Well, Monday was exceptionally rude and did not give me a break from bad news.
schmendriks_hat's father has had a mini stroke and I am very worried for him and her family. Please, please keep them in your prayers/good thoughts.
Otherwise I've been trying to de-stress and un-jitter myself. Not working particularly well, but one can only keep on trying. Miss
life_of_fiction was a huge help in that department by taking me out on the town for a bit. In our hi-jinks we have come up with a hilarous webcomic idea and now have two shiny nails each.
...to 'splain...
While mall-crawling for leg warmers we could tell we had been targeted by a mid-aisle vendor. (kiosk?) We implemented evasive maneuvering but he was far too crafty and caught us on the cross over. I believe 'swooped' would not be an inaccurate term. Within two seconds my hand had been caught, my name cooed over and a thumbnail was busily being buffed. And holy mess was it ever buffed within an inch of it's little life. It looks like it has nail polish on it. While dutifully impressed, the handsome little foreign man (why are they always foreign?) who trilled my name so well had to resign to disappointment. In short, I remain as broke as ever and that nail kit was NOT five dollars I have in the bank.
Now I must paint the rest of my nails because, as he demonstrated, nail polish remover does NOT work on the two merrily catching the light. >.>