Dec 04, 2011 18:29
This weekend has been so very, very monopolized, but actually it's not bad to be focusing on something else for a change.
Yesterday, I went out with my mother to help her run errands since my dad managed to catch the cold that's going around and didn't feel up to getting out. My grandmother, for the first time, did not recognize me when she first saw me. She asked me who I was, and I responded by asking her if she knew who I was. Then she said, "Do you know my granddaughter Amy?" After a minute and a bit of coaxing, she remembered on her own, but this is the first time she's ever forgotten who a family member is. It's rather disheartening, because Alzheimer's isn't exactly something that improves over time.
A lovely "LOLWTFDAD" moment today-- I was watching my grandmother, and he came in and saw me with my laptop. I had the Kindle app running was was reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. So he asks, "What, are you writing a book?" I say, "No, I'm reading a book." And his spectacularly brilliant response? "You should be writing a book! There's no money in reading!"
Uh. Right then! Because 100% of authors who write something are both published AND rich!
I swear, he often perplexes me.