Random Thoughts...

Feb 24, 2008 21:25

 It was a beautiful day today, yet i was sad, and anxious...

It's winter time, and i want to smell the first spring rain, and walk out in it...

I lust to save him, but I cannot....

I feel worthless, yet I know I serve a purpose...

I want to live somewhere else, but i cant move...

I was touched and loved for a moment, but I feel empty...

Wish I had more, but I dont want the responsibility....

Wish I could go back in time, but then I wouldnt have my children....

People tell me its cabin fever, but im outside everyday...

I ache to search for more, but have no ways to get to it....

I have a high tolerance for pain, but i hurt everyday...

I'm offered love by some, but i still walk away...alone

I search, but I can never find ...

I enjoy life with energy and a smile on my face, but I feel empty and tired...

I have a positive attitude, but yet I question things...

I dont judge, but I do bitch...

Try to do things for myself, but I'm always met with resistance...

I do love life, but I think it doesnt love me...

What to do?  Stand and stare, or move and change?

I keep moving...... and see what happens next....

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