I stole this from
the_kneetroll MySpace, so nick it for yourselves too!
1. We'll start simple - have you ever had sex?
Hell Yeah!
2. All right. How many people have you slept with?
Hum...about 8
3. Do you regret it?
A few, but hey that's life!
4. If the answer to number 3 is "no" then skip this question If you answered "yes" - why?
Just bad choises.
5. Do you ever use toys (vibrators etc) during sex?
Yeah, I loves my Rabbit- his name is Hank! hehe! ^_^
6. Do you practice safe sex?
No need to now, I'm engaged we're trying for another baby. I did in the past tho.
7. Do you prefer to be on top?
It depends on my mood.
8. Lights on or off in the bedroom?
Again, it depends on the mood.
9. Sex on the beach?
Never tried it and personally, I think the sand would be annoying.
10. Name 3 famous people you want to have sex with:
Only three? hehe! ^_^
-John Cena
-Josh Holloway
-Dave Batista
(Game chracters don't count, do they? LoL)
11. Name 3 people you personally know you want to have sex with:
- Emmo and Rollo! LMAO!
No one, I'm happy with my man thanks! ^_^
12. Are we done?
Looks like it, I've had longer poops!
That was fun and random- like all the best things in life! hehe! ^_^
Laters x