Title: Coffee and Cigarettes
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin
Rating: PG
Summary: It was all about Kim Jonghyun.
Jonghyun was a handsome, well-built student at the same university Taemin went to. Somehow, the younger always managed to catch sight of that midget strutting through the hallways, shamelessly throwing winks and smirks at all the girls that stepped aside and blushed furiously. Jonghyun was a bad loser and got aggressive each time he lost a video game, altogether while cursing loudly and throwing the console in a corner of the room. Jonghyun wasn’t the best student in his class but he made sure he didn’t fail any classes - he had already failed two back in middle and high school, which was why he attended university at this age and ended up being in Taemin’s class. Jonghyun could get along with everyone, whether it was because his looks were so charming and he could make everyone want to be his friend, or because he just talked way too much and people simply couldn’t ignore him.
Jonghyun was Taemin’s best friend.
Jonghyun had way too much testosterone for his own good, spraying and throwing it around like the so-called manly half-god he was, making every girl swoon in desire and the guys drown in jealously. Jonghyun was well-known for his charms, his shameless flirting and his sex appeal, causing even boys to fall for him. Jonghyun was a crybaby but no-one but Taemin knew about that side of his, and Taemin didn’t mind having to hug and console his hyung when he had a moment of weakness. Jonghyun was extremely touchy-feely and called himself ‘the king of skinship’, letting everyone know that he could touch and grope and kiss and get away with it, because he was Kim Jonghyun. Kim fucking Jonghyun, as he liked to refer to himself.
Jonghyun fell in love too often and too quickly, though he never dated. Taemin had listened to Jonghyun throughout his whole rant about liking to play, ask for that special kind of attention from girls, receiving that special kind of attention - but then, when they devoted all of their attention to him, Jonghyun got bored and let it drop. Jonghyun didn’t care about how many hearts he had broken or how many girls cried themselves to sleep because of him. Jonghyun did care about people’s feelings though. He just didn’t like to let it show. Taemin knew Jonghyun could worry sick - literally, psychically sick - about someone’s well-being, just as long as they were close enough to him, close enough to be called a friend or even a best friend like Taemin. But not the flirts, no - they were part of the game.
Jonghyun liked to party, liked to drink and smoke, and especially liked to crash at Taemin’s house when he was far too wasted to make it to his own house. Taemin always let him in, knowing he couldn’t bear to let the poor, lost boy stumble home and maybe fall, maybe fall in front of a car, maybe get robbed, hit, whatever scenarios could come up in Taemin’s mind. So when Jonghyun woke up the next morning - or actually, the afternoon, since it was half past one and Taemin was already fully dressed when Jonghyun stumbled out of the guest room - Taemin made him coffee, black like Jonghyun liked it. Jonghyun only drank black coffee he found it classy, especially with a cigarette bungling between his fingers. Taemin sat across from him and pretended to listen to Jonghyun, who told him about the girls he’d made out with, the amount of liquor he had gulped down, the fights that happened at the party, all the while smoke crawled over his lips.
Taemin wasn’t really paying attention. He rather paid attention to how messy yet so good Jonghyun’s hair looked when he just got out of bed; how cute his half-lidded eyes, still swollen with sleep, were; the way Jonghyun’s plump lips moved as he spoke, closing around the filter of his cigarette and letting the smoke slowly crawl out of his mouth, over his lips, into the open air. Jonghyun smelled like coffee and cigarettes. Taemin wondered if he tasted like that, too.
Jonghyun was Taemin’s best friend. And that was probably all he’d ever be.
A/N: So me and
brokenhime were fooling around with that SHINee Prompt Generator-thingy, trying to find the right prompt to write something about. We got shit results, really. xD But, I got "Jonghyun / Taemin / Jonghyun" and at first I was like '...whut?' but then this happened. So yeah, it's just a short drabble and the only thing I could force out of my brain on a Sunday afternoon.
Hope you enjoyed reading anyway ♥