[29 Apr 2005|05:33pm]
Rolling Stones_You Cant Always Get What You Want.
I want a boy that will...
|x| buy me things for no reason.
|x| be my best friend and boy friend.
|x| be thereself around me.
|x| push my hair out of my face to kiss me.
|x| think im beautiful no matter what.
|x| sing to me out of nowhere.
|x| take me to the park and push me on the swings.
|x| take a lot of pictures with me.
|x| tell his friends about me.
|x| play in the rain with me.
|x| tell me when something looks bad.
|x| play video
games with me.
|x| have water gun fights with me.
|x| have the same taste in music.
|x| like the same
movies as me.
|x| lay in
bed and talk for hours with me.
|x| give me the best advice on everything.
|x| lay outside at night and look at the stars and moon with me.
|x| play with my hair.
|x| take naps with me.
|x| call me every night even if its just to say hi.
|x| smoke weed with me.
|x| kiss me under the lights at night.
|x| hold me in his arms.
|x| tell me he loves me when hes with his friends and mean it <3
....yea to bad i'll never have someone like that
i dont have a boy like that...
but i definitely have one thats way better...