
Mar 19, 2008 10:23

So, I had wanted to get everything updated again... but then, my husband's (Chris) grandfather died, so we ended up having a family emergency and having to go home... find a dog sitter from our dogs, and fly back home. It was nice being home. I forgot how much I miss Cleveland. And of course, it was great to see family.

So, the plan is ... to update The Great Escape, All My Defenses, and You Might Die Trying... soon. I also have a new story out with AlwaysMerDer (Laura) called Icicles... check it out.. .it's on the the Grey's McBoard.

And I'm working on a Post 4.10 fic... Kingdom Come. Lots of writing. Apparently I like to write.

I should get back to work... I wish I was watching Enchanted...
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