Stay on the Ride...

Aug 19, 2007 00:37

So, I have to say... tonight I went to my 3rd Patty Griffin concert - and if you don't know who she is, you should check her out on iTunes.  She is absolutely amazing.  Probably my favorite artist... EVER.  She is just that amazing.  There are no words to really describe her live.  She is just fascinating.  Her sound, her voice, her music abilities, everything... is just incredible.  You haven't been to a good concert until you've seen her live.  Her music just touches your soul... the way she sings, the intensity of which she sings... all of it.  She is the best female singer/song writer out there.  If you do end up checking her out - try ... Older: Let Him fly, Long Ride Home, Rain, Chief, Forgiveness.  Newer: Top of the World, Useless Desires, Love Throw A Line, No Bad News, Trapeze, Stay on the Ride, Burgundy Shoes, and Kite Song.  Seriously, check her out... she inspires me.

That's all I really wanted to say tonight... along with I'm working on updates for all stories.  So be on the look out.

With that said... I am going to go rock out to Patty.
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