Jan 06, 2009 18:03
So yeah. Nintendo wii. Normally I'd say something along the lines of "more like nintendo WHEEEEEE" but I cannot. Mainly because it's not a great system. Yet. I hear people complain about how gimmicky it is, and that's completely true. But nintendo is supporting these comments by only making gimmicky games designed to make the most of the motion control stuff. My prime example; remaking old games. Nintendo is remaking Pikmin for the Wii, but with the wii's new control schema. Y'know, instead of working on Pikmin 3, much to the dismay of Pikmin fans. Now, I never much liked Pikmin at all. One had a crushing time limit, and on 2 I only enjoyed multiplayer. Sure, Olimar is fun in Brawl, but that's beside the point. They also plan to rerelease Mario Tennis (cuz wii sports isn't enough I guess), and Metroid Primes 1 and 2. Although for the metroid games, this is a good move because they already made Metroid Prime 3, and it had a GREAT control scheme. It's just way too early. Nintendo could be making so much more out of the other facets of the wii, mainly the fact that it uses full size disks now so you can have much longer games. I'm thinking, oh, a new Golden Sun game for the wii, controlled via gamecube or classic controllers. Now, I'm pretty sure this will work, because unbeknownst to nintendo they've ALREADY DONE THIS EXACT SAME THING. My example here is the DS. Everyone called it gimmicky at first. "Two screens? I can barely handle one! Time to flip the fuck out! GRAHAHGAHGHAHHGHAAAAAA!!!" This is because Nintendo kept releasing (surprise surprise) games that only used the touch screen, like Warioware Touched and Elite Beat Agents ('course, like Metroid Prime 3, Elite Beat Agents was REALLY GOOD). Sales weren't booming like they should've. Then Nintendo goes "fuck it" and gets great games out that barely use the touch screen, like Castlevania Dawn of Sorrows (I think that's the tagline I want). Nintendo goes "Hey oh!" and cashes in on that shit. Then, they smarten up, and realize that they can remake games for this system too because it has enough buttons. So they remake Chrono Trigger, which was getting nigh impossible to find at a reasonable price. Hella smart. Now, I can see why, after their success on Chrono Trigger and probably a lot of other remakes I don't have the time to find out about, they would want to get a jump on that on the Wii, but there are 2 problems with that. One; you can play gamecube games on the wii, why buy a gimmicky remake when you can get a cheaper normal version and get the same game? Two; isn't that what the Virtual Console is for? But, as with the DS, Nintendo has their priorities mixed right the fuck up. So it'll take some time for the great games to come to the wii. I'm willing to keep my Wii and wait for them, but I plan to buy an xBox 360 soon enough to occupy the time between now and good wii games (it could be a while).
Also; the DSi. What a load of shit. I mean, 2 cameras is kinda nifty, and also really gimmicky. No word yet as far as I've heard on the lines of video chatting, and also there wasn't voice chatting with the microphone that is SO underused, so I'm very pessimistic on that point. No GBA slot means a lot of things go ununlocked on some games that like having previous games in the series in the slot. The rest of the system gets a slight upgrade in most facets, always a good thing. An SD card slot to take advantage of the camera's ability to, y'know, take pictures. This, of course, makes it SO much easier for people to hack it without ripping it open, especially if you can store saved games on it. It's what happened to the Wii as well. This is a good thing in my IMO, because the only reason my wii gets frequent use right now is because of my Homebrew channel and my emulators and my Brawl Hacks (after this I'ma go get Quake for it. Quake! On my wii! Holy fuck balls!!!). Back to the DSi, I never use the GBA slot on my DS lite anyways, because I don't have older games in certain series and the DS is way too clunky for GBA games; I prefer my old fashioned SP. So I definitely think the DSi is a total and complete upgrade. I like all the things they've changed about it, and I bleev I'm one of the few who does. It isn't, however, worth $180 dollars. The DS lite only cost $120, and that was a stretch! It's also really funny that they didn't learn from their past mistakes. I site as an example the GBA series of portables. GBA was great. So many good games. A completely solid system. The GBA SP was also good. I liked where the screen was moved to, and the backlighting was SO NICE. Then, the GBA Micro. *shudder* A terrible waste of money. It needed its own charger, the screen was smaller, it was harder to hold and use, but you could customize the face plates to express your individuality, just like everyone else! Ok, maybe nintendo learned a little from its past mistakes; at least the DSi is an improvement in most respects.
Also Also; if they DO manage to hack the DSi in the same way they hacked the wii, I might have to get me some of that. Of course, I won't pay an exorbitant $180 for it by any means. Fuck. That. Shit.
Also Also Also; they have a way to put a phone on your DS. Now they can stop trying to put a shitty DS emulator on the iPhone!