(no subject)

Sep 19, 2012 19:46

Character's Full Name: Jenna Elizabeth Walker
Date: 9/19/12

Name origin: Her mother's name is Elizabeth.
Nickname, if any: Her parents called her Jay. She also responds to Jenny. Her friends from school gave it to her when she was young.
Does s/he like the nickname? At first, she didn't like Jenny. She wishes people would call her by her given name, but she hardly ever says anything about being called Jenny.
Birth date: April 23, 1990
Place of birth: Miami
Ethnic background: She's American. Her great great great grandparents moved to New York from Germany a long time ago.
Religion: She's agnostic, from personal choices. But her family are devout Christians.
Degree of religious practice (e.g. orthodox, casual, lapsed): Jenna's very casual when it comes to religion.
Current address: It's complicated, but she currently lives in California outside of LA.
Does s/he rent or own? She was renting out a place with a few roommates but things happened.
Brief description of home (apartment, house, etc.): They were living in a nice big house.
Does s/he live with anyone? She lived with four other girls.
Describe the area in which s/he lives  (city, town, rural, other): They lived on the edge of the city in a quiet suburb.
Is this his/her ideal home and location? If not, what would s/he prefer? Not at all. Jenna has always lived in quiet places her whole life, and she longs to live in the busy bustling city.
Home decor: Inexpensive, Carefully planned, Comfortable. Her room is sometimes quite cluttered and a bit messy.
Does s/he drive? Yes.
Own a car? (Make, model, color, age, etc.): She has only recently purchased a car. It's a black 2007 Chevy Aveo.
Pets?  (If so, what kind/how many/names?) She doesn't have any, but she's always had a soft spot for cats.
If so, how important are they? How well are they treated? N/A
Current occupation (include length of time, location, job title): She works behind a desk for an insurance agency in the city. She's been working there for a year now.
Job satisfaction (happy, discontent, ambivalent, ambitious...): She hates working where she does, but she's content with working there for the time being.
Income: She makes just a little less than $50,000 a year.
Sexuality (e.g. straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, uncertain…): Straight.
Marital status: Single, never been married.
If married or currently romantically involved, with whom, and for how long? List any significant previous romantic partners: She dated a guy, Branden Ackerman, for three years in high school and after graduation until they broke up when she was 20. But he's been her only significant romantic relationship.
For current spouse/partner, what does the character call him/her (pet names, nicknames, etc.)? 
How did they meet? She met Branden toward the end of their sophomore year in high school.
Any children (include names, ages, other parent if different from any current partner): N/A
Describe his/her relationship with children (if any)?

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: About 120
Body type (thin, athletic, 
overweight, curvy, muscular, etc.) Jenna has always been thin. She was athletic in high school but has lost most of the muscle she gained back then.
Eye color: Brown
Need glasses/contacts/hearing aid? None.
Skin tone (pale, ivory, tan, olive, 
ruddy, brown, etc.): She has olive skin.
Face shape (round, oval, chubby, thin, long, square, heart-shaped, etc.): Her face was rounder when she was younger and in high school, but it's thinned out as she's gotten older, mainly due to stress and lack of a healthy diet.
Any prominent features, freckles/moles/scars/tattoos or other distinguishing marks: She has light freckles across her nose and cheeks, but nothing too noticeable.
Whom does s/he most look like (e.g. famous person or relative)? (Her faceclaim is Emma Watson) People have always said she looks like a young Jennifer Aniston. Also, she looks just like her mother.
General health (good, excellent, poor...)? Good, but it could be better.
Any current health problems or chronic conditions? Nope.
How does s/he dress? She typically wears dark clothing. Dark jeans and a dark t-shirt with her favorite old leather jacket she's had for years. She also almost always has her sunglasses with her. However, she has been known to dress quite nicely from time to time if she needs to.
Price: Average to Cheap. She likes to shop in thrift shops a lot.
Style: She's mostly casual, but her roommates try to help her be trendy.               
Why does she dress in the above manner (e.g. to be noticed)? She struggled with herself in high school, and now that she takes care of herself she wants to wear what she feels most comfortable in.
Any special jewelry? (If so, why is it special?) She has a pair of stud earrings her mother gave to her for her 16th birthday that she wears everyday. She also owns a simple heart necklace that she wears everyday as well.
What about accessories? Other than the earring, the necklace, and her sunglasses, nothing.
Grooming: She tries to keep herself looking nice and presentable. Average.
If other than average, why?
Describe hairstyle  (long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.): Jenna's always had her hair shorter growing up, but now that she's been on her own for the last few years she's let it grow out long. She's got side bangs.
Natural hair texture  (smooth, wavy, curly, etc.): She had quite curly hair when she was little, but she grew out of it.
Current hair texture (if different): Wavy.
Natural hair color: Light brown.
Current hair color (if different): Dark brown, from dying it and it has gotten darker as she's aged.

Pace of speech (fast, average, slow?): Average, but she can also speak quickly, something she learned from working at the insurance agency.
Voice tone (shrill, high, average, deep, squeaky, hoarse, 
harsh, authoritative, cultured, etc.): Jenna's got a pleasant, soft voice. It usually puts people at ease when she speaks calmly.
Accent/dialect, if any: Average American accent.
Any favorite/habitual words/phrases?
Curse words? She loves the F word.
Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern (e.g. educated, precise, pretentious, average, uneducated, vulgar…) Generally average vocabulary, but she can get quite vulgar if she feels like it.
Mannerisms/demeanor? Jenna can sometimes have a shy demeanor if she's tired or uncomfortable, but most of the time she can be outgoing. Cool/confident. Nervous/shy
Typical posture: Stands straight but not stiffly. Average, varies with mood
Gestures: When she is excited, Jenna makes huge wild gestures. When she is calm, she gestures but not as much as when excited.
Common/habitual gestures (e.g. nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets, etc.): She used to bite her nails and does very rarely anymore. She taps her foot and shakes her leg when nervous. She also bites at the top layer of skin on the inside of her bottom lip when she's bored. Most of the time her hands are in her jeans pockets.

Finances: (prudent/cautious, some debt, lives paycheck to paycheck, deep in debt, criminal activity, etc.): She used to struggle with saving money when she first had a job, but she's been able to control her spending and is rather frugal now.
Personal Habits: Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, Gambling, etc.? She smokes cigarettes occasionally, along with a few drinks from time to time. One is calm, she gestures but not as much as when excited.
Common/habitual gestures (e.g. nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets, etc.): She used to bite her nails and does very rarely anymore. She taps her foot and shakes her leg when nervous. She also bites at the top layer of skin on the inside of her bottom lip when she's bored. Most of the time her hands are in her jeans pockets.

Finances: (prudent/cautious, some debt, lives paycheck to paycheck, deep in debt, criminal activity, etc.): She used to struggle with saving money when she first had a job, but she's been able to control her spending and is rather frugal now.
Personal Habitof her roommates smokes pot and she will join her every now and then when she's feeling stressed.
Are any of these addictions? Nope. She has always had great control over the things she indulges in.
Morning Routine: Nothing too special. She usually showers when she first gets up, then has some breakfast and is off to work for the day. If she gets up early enough, she tries to go running but it doesn't happen too often.
Describe the character's morning rituals. Jenna has never been able to speak in the morning until she's had a chance to go pee and have a drink of water. That's pretty much the only thing she will always do on a daily basis.
Who else is sleeping in the same bed? Usually no one else. But her roommates have been known to drunkenly stumble into her room in the middle of the night.
What time does he/she wake up? She has to leave the house by 7:30 to get to work on time, so she typically wakes up at about 6 to give herself enough time to get ready.
Is he/she cheerful in the morning? She's not cheerful, but she's not grumpy. She's very quiet in the mornings.
What does he/she do during breakfast-read, watch tv, feed 
kids, etc. Jenna will usually find a magazine or the newspaper to read while she prepares and eats her food.
Does s/he work outside the home? Yes.
How does he/she get there? She drives.
Is s/he good at this job? She's decent enough for them to have kept her for the last year.
What if anything would he/she rather be doing? Jenna wants to be an actress.
How long and hard is the work day? She work 8-4:30 on weekdays, but her job hasn't been difficult since she started.
If the job isn’t outside the 
home, what does a typical afternoon consist of?
Does s/he eat at home or go out a lot? Her roommates try to cook every night, but they all have jobs and social lives so sometimes Jenna goes out by herself. She usually eats out once a week.
What is/are his or her favorite restaurant(s)? She loves anywhere that serves good chicken.
Who cooks at home?  None of them are very talented cooks, but they all try to take turns on who cooks the dinners.
Does s/he eat alone? She usually does, yes.
What does your character do on a typical evening? She'll get home from work around 5:30 every day. Most nights she'll come home, check to see if it's her night to cook or if someone else has cooked, and depending on that either stay out in the kitchen to make dinner or she will go back to her bedroom. She has a TV and a DVD player set up in her room, so a lot of the time she'll watch old movies and fall asleep around 10pm every night.
Where? At the house where she lives.
With whom? Herself or her roommates.
How much does he/she enjoy it? She can get lonely from time to time, but she just grins and bears it.
What is the ideal evening for him or her? Going out for drinks after work with her roommates or by herself. Any time she gets to spend in the city is perfect for her.
Sleep Habits:  
Fall asleep easily, or an insomniac? Jenna's never been able to fall asleep unless there is some sort of soft noise around her, which is why she falls asleep watching movies or TV.
Any recurring dreams? When she was 11 she decided she wanted to be an actress, and ever since then she has had a recurring dream of being at a premiere for a big movie she just filmed. She usually wakes up crying.
Sleep soundly, or toss & turn? It depends, really. But she's mostly a sound sleeper.
Any special talents? She's a wonderful singer, but shrself or her roommates.
How much does he/she enjoy it? She can get lonely from time to time, but she just grins and bears it.
What is the ideal evening for him or her? Going out for drinks after work with her roommates or by herself. Any time she gets to spend in the city is perfect for her.
Sleep Habits:  
Fall asleep easily, or an insomniac? Jenna's never been able to fall asleep unless there is some sort of soft noise around her, which is why she falls asleep watching movies or TV.
Any recurring dreams? When she was 11 she decided she wanted to be an actress, and ever since then she has had a recurring dream of being at a premiere for a big movie se doesn't sing often enough for people to know it.
Skills? She's always been able to memorize lines from movies or songs quickly. Another reason she thinks being an actress would be a smart choice for her.
What is s/he particularly unskilled at? She's never been too good when it comes to cooking. And she's always been a bit bad at typical homely things.
Any hobbies (sports, games, arts, collecting, etc.)?

Mother's name (include maiden name if known/applicable): Elizabeth Thompson
Current status: Living   (If alive, enter age: 40)
Mother’s occupation, if any: School teacher.
Describe the mother’s relationship with character: Elizabeth tries to call Jenna often to check up on her, but Jenna hardly answers. She loves her mom, but she likes to keep her distance.
Father's name: Charles Walker
Current status: Living (If alive, enter age: 45 )
Father’s occupation, if any: Lawyer.
Describe the father’s relationship with character: Jenna hasn't spoken to her father in nearly ten years.
Any step-parents, foster parents, or birth parents (if not same as above): 
(If s/he is adopted, does s/he know? If not, why?)
Sibling(s) (include age and birth order relative to main character): Jenna is an only child, but her parents got a divorce when she was very little. They both have remarried or have new partners, and so Jenna has several step-siblings.
Relationship(s) with character: Jenna doesn't talk to any of her step-siblings, and they never make any effort to reach out to her.
Nieces/Nephews: None.
In-Laws, if any: N/A
Other than the above, who else in the story is part of his/her extended family (e.g.  cousins, etc.)? No one.

Home town (if different from current home): Miami, Florida
Was his/her childhood happy? The first five or six years of her life were great. She lived in Florida with her parents, but then they got a divorce and she moved around a lot with her mother after that. 
Does the character remember it accurately? More than she would like to admit, yes.
Earliest memory: Jenna can remember one day when she was only four years old walking into her parent's room. Her mother had gone out shopping for the day, leaving Jenna in the care of her father Charles. When she wandered into the room, she saw her father on the bed with another woman who was not her mom. At the time, Jenna didn't know any better and didn't understand what was going on so she walked away. But now she realizes that her father had been having an affair while her mother was out.
Happiest memory: 
Saddest memory: 
How much school did s/he attend, if any? She completed all of the schooling that was required of her, and graduated high school. She's waiting to start college though.
Did/does s/he like school? Why or why not? She didn't hate it, but she struggled with herself a lot growing up and being in public school did not make anything easier for her.
Most significant childhood event: Her parents getting a divorce, because it changed her whole life.
Other significant childhood events: Leaving Florida with her mom.
Significant past jobs: Other than the insurance job right now, she's only ever worked at a grocery store.
Police record (explain any convictions, sentence served, where/when): None.
First crush/romantic love? Her first crush was a little boy named Jeremy when they were in the third grade. Her first romantic love with Branden Ackerman in high school.
What was his/her first sexual experience? Is it a positive or negative memory? It was a very positive experience for Jenna, along with her then-boyfriend Branden. They had been dating for almost a year before they became intimate, and Jenna doesn't regret it in the slightest.
Major illnesses, accidents or traumas? How is s/he still affected, if at all? She was in a car crash when she was about 14, but she doesn't have any lasting injuries from that.

Who is his/her best friend? Jenna doesn't really have any "best friends". She finds it tough trust others. But she is close with one of her roommates, Daniel.
Who are his/her other close friends?
How in general does the character relate to friends? She tries to relate and connect with her friends, but she usually struggles and has a tough time with it.
… to strangers? Oddly enough, Jenna can relate and connect with strangers better than with anyone else in her life.
… to spouse/Lover? 
… to past spouses/lovers? It took her a while to really open up with Branden, but once she did they became extremely close.
… to own children, if any?
… to other family members? Not very well, really. When she actually takes her mother's phone calls, it's awkward and uncomfortable for Jenna and so the calls usually end after a few minutes.
… to the same sex? It takes her a while to be comfortable around other girls.
… to the opposite sex? She connects and relates a little bit better with men, but not by much.
… to children in general? She loves kids and has always done really well with them.
… to others who are more successful? Same
… to others who are less successful? Same
… to boss (if any)? Her boss is a jerk to her, so she doesn't relate well to him at all.
… to underlings at work? Same
… to competitors? If anything, she relates with her competitors the best. They're both going after the same things, and they usually have the most in common.
… to authority (police, IRS, politicians, attorneys, doctors, etc.)? Same
What do most people consider his/her most likeable trait? Jenna loves to go out and party, have a good time.
What do most people consider his/her biggest flaw? 
Any secret attractions/crushes? There is a guy at work that she's had her eye on for a while, but he's engaged so she hasn't ever made a move. Although she wants to.
In romantic relationships, is s/he generally monogamous or uncommitted? (If the latter, is s/he honest w/ 
partners?) Because of her parents breaking up, and seeing nearly every relationship in her life end, Jenna has always been monogamous to her partner. She never wants to hurt, or be hurt, in the way other people in her life were.
Is his/her sexual behavior inhibited, average, experimental, or reckless? 
Has this changed (and if so, why)?
Whom does s/he dislike most, and why?
Whom does s/he like most, and why?
Who's the most important person in his/her life right now, and why? 
Whom does s/he secretly admire (nonromantic), and why? 
Who was his/her biggest influence, and why? 
Person s/he most misunderstands or misjudges:
Person who most misunderstands or misjudges him or her:
Has s/he lost touch with anyone significant in his/her life? If so, why?
Worst end of a relationship (could be friend, romance, colleague…)?
Whom does s/he most rely on for practical advice?
Whom does s/he most rely on for emotional support?
Whom, if anyone, does s/he support (e.g. advice or emotional support)?

Any psychological issues (e.g. phobias,  depression, paranoia, narcissism, etc.)?
Is s/he an optimist or pessimist?
Meyers Briggs Personality Type (see http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp):
S/he is most comfortable when ...  (alone, hanging w/friends, drinking, etc.): 
S/he is most uncomfortable when ... (in a crowd, alone, speaking in public, etc.): 
Is s/he cautious, brave, or reckless in his/her approach to life?
What does s/he most value/prioritize (family, money, success, religion, etc.)?
Whom does s/he really love best? 
Whom or what would s/he be willing to die for?
Is s/he generally compassionate or self-involved?
Personal philosophy: 
What’s his/her most embarrassing moment?
What is his/her secret wish?
What (or who) is his/her biggest fear?
Any prejudices (race, culture, sexuality, religion, etc.)?
Political party or beliefs, if any:
Does s/he believe in fate or destiny? Is s/he superstitious? 
Character's greatest strength:
Other good characteristics:  
Character's greatest flaw: 
Other character flaws: 
What are his/her own favorite attributes (both physical and personal)?
What about least favorite?
Are these feelings accurate?How does s/he think others perceive him or her? (And is this accurate?)
Biggest regret:
Other regrets:
Proudest accomplishment:
Other accomplishments:
Character's biggest secret(s)? Who else knows (if anyone)? 
How does s/he react to a crisis? 
What usually causes the problems in his/her life
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