CHicOisAgiRlymaN: and by the way, a correlation is the relationship between 2 naturally occurring variables
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: in case you didn't know
cJd 14 85: thanks, i needed to be reminded cause i havent heard that in a couple of days
cJd 14 85: i was starting to get concerned
cJd 14 85: i was like
cJd 14 85: what is wrong with world
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: haha
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: we should just tattoo it on our foreheads
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: but it's sort of a long definition with big words
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: so the font would be small
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: but if we squinted at each other we could totally read it
cJd 14 85: no, you know what we should do
cJd 14 85: kristen, we could totally have another bonding moment at the tattoo parlor in easton, and we could get the definition tattooed around our arms.....most normal people would have regular arm bands, but you and i.....we could carry the definition of a correlation around forever
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: YES
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: let's go
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: right now
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: I don't care if they're closed
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: we can break in and do it ourselves
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: how hard can it be?
cJd 14 85: yes!
cJd 14 85: so not only would it be ugly....we could die in the process
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: yes but wouldn't you die for correlation?
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: I mean.. it's such a noble thing to die for
cJd 14 85: obviously
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: much more noble than t-tests
cJd 14 85: clearly
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: damn t-tests.. what good do they do
cJd 14 85: i dunno
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: except assign causation in experiments
cJd 14 85: i dont know
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: but you know what? they only cover ONE level of the independent variable
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: that is weakness, my friend
cJd 14 85: exactly true
cJd 14 85: it is indeed
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: we can't have weakness tattooed on our arms
cJd 14 85: hahaha, entirely true
cJd 14 85: but think about all the weakness there is with correlation
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: heeyy
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: correlation PREDICTS
cJd 14 85: i know i know
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: it's like Miss Cleo without the crappy accent
cJd 14 85: so what if you named your children after psychological principles
cJd 14 85: like....
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: ahahah like Anne Ova
CHicOisAgiRlymaN: ahahahahahaha
cJd 14 85: hahahahahaha
Yeah..... we're special.