[tvd] fic: Bury Me Down (Alaric, Stefan, Damon)

Nov 01, 2011 20:11

Title: Bury Me Down
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Alaric, Stefan, Damon, plus Elena, Rebekah, Mason, Caroline (vague suggestions of Damon/Alaric, Stefan/Elena, and more-so, Damon/Stefan)
Word Count: 5050
Rating: R
Warnings: Graphic depictions of gore, blood-play if you squint
Summary: Post Ghost World. When Bonnie and Grams complete the ( Read more... )

character: tvd: damon, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena, character: tvd: alaric, character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: mason, fic: one shot, character: tvd: caroline

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Comments 46

eternal_moonie November 1 2011, 09:56:38 UTC

Absolutely AWESOME fic!


waltzmatildah November 1 2011, 10:46:54 UTC

(I was terrified of posting it, so I am VERY pleased that you've enjoyed it!!)


ancholia November 1 2011, 11:54:14 UTC
I loved this! You make me want to ship Damon/Stefan or Damon/Alaric/Stefan.
(just saying but a sequel could be nice...)


waltzmatildah November 1 2011, 12:18:18 UTC
It's funny you should mention both of those things actually! Because this was never meant to be D/S or D/S/A but it kind of wrote itself. They're not combinations I'd even considered before yesterday! Haha!

And I actually do really want to write a sequel, so... there is also that!



brokenbell November 1 2011, 12:53:38 UTC
I love it! Every word of it. Damon/Stefan, Damon/Alaric. (Now that you wrote this I need to find a Damon/Stefan/Alaric icon, THANKS A LOT). My heart is all over the place. Was your goal in writing this to make all my dreams come true? Alaric's frantic search for Stefan, his dynamic with Elena and the way it is wrapped in his regrets about Jenna… I can't even find words.

Not even Klaus can destroy Stefan's brotherly love. Stefan's reaction to Alaric's search efforts was priceless, "You know where he is, but, instead of like, rescuing him you’re here… having a chat about how dramatic and scary your lives are?”
Hee! Love the snark. And Damon sucking the blood off of Stefan's fingers. OH GOD. *flails*

And (this almost goes without saying) your language, as always, is so pretty!


waltzmatildah November 2 2011, 08:00:50 UTC
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Was your goal in writing this to make all my dreams come true? IT TRULY WAS!

And Damon sucking the blood off of Stefan's fingers. OH GOD. *flails* Ngl, that particular scene is exactly what's fuelling my desire to write the sequel to this!


(I also need MOAR icons!)


vegarin November 1 2011, 13:34:06 UTC
Awesome! Lovely characterization of everyone involved, some truly gorgeous lines (Damon's flashback to their childhood was particularly breathtaking), and I adored Stefan/Damon/Alaric-ness of all--the world could use more of them together, in any shape or combination, for sure.

(Always wondered why Stefan went after Andi when he could've gone after Alaric and gotten instant reactions from both Damon and Elena. Okay, not that I want Ric to die, but still, the dramatic potential!)

Loved it. <3


waltzmatildah November 2 2011, 08:02:32 UTC
Thank you! -the world could use more of them together, yes, yes it really could!! There should be a memorandum! MUST HAVE MOAR OF THEZE BOYZ!

And I really did NOT get the point of the Andie thing, so anything would have been better than what we got!!



kachera November 1 2011, 16:49:51 UTC
Beautiful. They're all gambling with their hearts on the line. Loved how you build out what a difference just a minute could have made, and all the little glimpses of their past that you wrote in add pinpricks of color to the picture of who they are today. Lovely.

I see you're thinking of a sequal. If it makes any difference, I'd love to read it.


waltzmatildah November 2 2011, 08:03:25 UTC
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. And yes, definitely pumped to write a sequel to this so EXTRA thanks for the encouragement.


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