tvd: "all of the ghouls come out to play..."

Oct 25, 2011 13:17

A Compendium of Sorts

Table of Contents:

PART ONE | Doppelgangers, Vampires and Werewolves, Oh, My! | THE CHARACTERS


Alaric Saltzman | Matt Davis | Human Vampire Hunter
Determined to hunt vamps even though his BFF is one (even if they are currently ‘on a break’). Also, the Giles to Elena’s Buffy. Which is all levels of blasphemous but still kinda fits as a basic description.

Bonnie Bennett | Kat Graham | Human --> Witch
So, apparently she thinks it’s UBER UNCOOL that her bf is channelling his veryDEAD ex-gfs. How very unreasonable of her. Ummmm… or not? Also thinks vampires are UBER UNCOOL. Most of the time (aka: mostly Damon when it suits her).

Caroline Forbes | Candice Accola | Human --> Vampire
Vampire!Barbie. Also, all around awesome-sauce* (*official description).

Damon Salvatore | Ian Somerhalder | Vampire
EVULEVULRAPISTMURDERER or OHHAITHARSEXYBADASSVAMPIREONTHEMEND (depends on your point of view as a fangirl/boy, see also: STANNING in Terminology). Also, finicky house-keeper extraordinaire. Don’t mess with his Persian rugs. And that is NOT a euphemism. For serious.

Elena Gilbert | Nina Dobrev | Human Doppelganger
Vacillates between effectual/independent/sensible and woe is me/stupid/manipulative. So, just your typical teenager really…! (Also vacillates between Damon and Stefan. But that’s a story for another day).

Jeremy Gilbert | Steven R. McQueen | Human
Seer of Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (much to the consternation of current girlfriend). Also, ex-druggie, vampire wannabe, backpack of DOOOOM carrying, emo internet searcher. Yeah, there is also that.

Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova | Nina Dobrev | Doppelganger --> Vampire
HBIC4EVA (except when desiccating NAPPING: Actually, no. Even then.)

Klaus | Joseph Morgan | WEREPIRE
Emotionally needy, mostly ineffectual, kinda hot for Stefan, werewolf/vampire hybrid that likes to keep his sis and bros under lock and key. Literally.

Matt Donovan | Zach Roerig | Human
Seer of ghosts of sisters past. Also, ex-lifeguard. WHO KNEW? (hint: not the viewers).

Stefan Salvatore | Paul Wesley | Vampire
FAKERIPPER vampire creepy creeper who creeps and lies. Aka: BEST BOYFRIEND EVAH! BUT… loves his brother (loves Jesus, and America, too).

Tyler Lockwood | Michael Trevino | Human --> Werewolf --> WEREPIRE
Douchy douche bag who gets the girl. Also, v. v. attractive wrapped in chains. I’m just sayin’ (though, not so much when sporting his black bandana of douchiness).


Bill Forbes | Jack Coleman | Human Vampire Hunter
Also, self-proclaimed VAMPIRE WHISPERER (someone should tell him to give Jeff Bridges a call for some tips). Shame for him that his daughter is now a vampy vamp who vamps. But, FORTUNATELY for him, his daughter is a vampy vamp who vamps and saves his life. There is also that.

Carol Lockwood | Susan Walters | Human
Socialite. Also, vodka for breakfast. Yum! Hott for Damon, at least, she was. Which, well, WHO ISN’T?* (* see: Rebekah).

Elijah | Daniel Gillies | Original Vampire

Damon’s Chest | Ian Somerhalder | Angel? I’m pretty sure it’s an Angel. Sent from heaven.

Damon’s Hair | TVD Hairdressers | Of Unknown Origin
Always a hot topic of conversation. Also, occasionally in need of its own post code. Unfortunately. FORTUNATELY, not even bad hair days can detract from TEH HAWT! So, it’s all good.

Liz Forbes | Marguerite MacIntyre | Human
Sheriff! Also, Caroline’s mother and reluctant member of Team!SupernaturalBeings. ALSO, Damon’s buddybuddy! Yiew.

Mikael | Sebastian Roche | Vampire Hunter Vampire
Also, ASSHOLE. But, intriguing. Apparently NOT into rats or gravediggers or mourners. BUT IS VERY INTO QUEEN KAT. Oh, honey? AREN’T WE ALL? (Note: this is all contingent upon Kat’s continued survival).

Rebekah | Clare Holt | Original Vampire
BARBIE!KLAUS. Also, best thing to happen to this show in a loooooong time. BRINGER OF THE ACCENT OF AWESOME. Also, hott for Stefan and Tyler but NOT DAMON? GIRL? WHAT IS WRONG WIT YOU?

(note: this is a FREAKISHLY LONG LIST!)

Andie Starr | Dawn Olivieri | Human
One half of the Mystic Falls news team. Also… actually, you know what? Not even gonna go there except to say, I CALL DIVISIVE PLOT DEVICE OF DOOOOOM. Now deceased.

Annabelle/Anna | Malese Jow | Vampire --> Ghost!Vampire
Now deceased. Only, JUST KIDDING! NOT REALLY!! Looking forward to making some clay pots with Jeremy sometime soon…

Brady | Stephen Amell | Werewolf
Now deceased.

Emily Bennett | Bianca Lawson | Witch
C: 1864. Now deceased.

Frederick | Stephen Martines | Vampire
Now deceased.

Gloria | Charmin Lee | Witch
Now deceased. HEE, LONG LIVE THE HBIC. She showed YOU how it’s done, Gloria.

Greyson Gilbert | [Never shown] | Human
Jeremy’s father, Elena’s adoptive father, not saved by Stefan. Because he doesn’t look at all like Katherine. Sadface for him. Now deceased.

Giuseppe Salvatore | James Remar | Human
Damon and Stefan’s FATHEROFTHEYEAR. Not. Now deceased. Shame.

Harper | Sterling Sulieman | Vampire
Tomb!vamp. But a nice one, apparently. Though, that didn’t stop him from meeting an untimely demise. Now deceased (duh).

Isobel Flemming | Mia Kirshner | Vampire
Alaric’s ex-wife (when she was human), Elena’s biological mother (when she was human), Damon’s vamp!offspring. Now deceased.

Jenna Sommers | Sarah Canning | Human --> Vampire for about 37 seconds
RIP JENNA. If only that ungrateful foster kidlet/nephew type person would THINK ABOUT YOU ONCE IN A WHILE, you might get to put in a reappearance?! Now deceased.

Jessica | Ahna O'Reilly | Human
Damon’s existential crisis. For her three minutes of actual screen time, this chick BROUGHT IT. Also, was the spawning factor for 14 gazillion* fanfics. (*Actual figure). Now deceased.

John Gilbert | David Anders | Human Vampire Hunter
Uncle!daddy. True story. Now deceased.

Jonas Martin | Randy Goodwin | Warlock
Yep, warlock. I swear, this show has thought of EVERYTHING. Now deceased.

Jules | Michaela McManus | Werewolf
Also, Damon’s BFF. Heh. Now deceased.

Kelly Donovan | Melinda Clarke | Human
Vying with Giuseppe for parent of the year. Hic… hic… hic…

Lexi Branson | Arielle Kebbel | Vampire
Stefan’s babysitter. Would be sheriff murderer. Alas, now deceased. Shame.

Logan Fell | Chris J. Johnson | Human --> Vampire
The other half of the Mystic Falls news team. Uh oh. Now deceased.

Luka Martin | Bryton James | Warlock
Came to a most gruesome end whilst trying to out fox the un-out fox-able. Now deceased.

Maddox | Gino Pesi | Warlock
Now deceased. NOTE TO SELF: If you wanna be a character on this show, don’t be choosing news anchor or warlock, m’kay?

Mason Lockwood | Taylor Kinney | Werewolf --> Ghost!Werewolf
HOTT. Also, GAGA. But mostly HOTT. And not appreciative of the treatment he received as a Salvatore house-guest. Recently returned in Ghost!form to drop off his ‘suggestions’ card. Damon was most grateful for the hints (note: apparently he really didn’t like the decorative furnishings). WAS deceased. Current status: unknown.

Miranda Gilbert | [never shown] | Human
Also didn’t look enough like Katherine Pierce to warrant saving. Therefore, now deceased.

Pearl | Kelly Hu | Vampire
Entombed for 145 years. Out for about 5 mintues. Now deceased. SUCKS TO BE HER.

Richard Lockwood | Robert Pralgo | Potential!Werewolf
But never actually got around to that complicating factor of, you know, KILLING SOMEONE. So, he didn’t actually know it. Also, Mayor. Now deceased.

Rose | Lauren Cohen | Vampire
Also, has the distinction of being Damon’s actual, MUTUAL friend. Until he killed her. But, NOT LIKE THAT. It was epic sad (ask Jessica). Now deceased.

Sheila Bennett | Jasmine Guy | Witch
GRAMS. Was nice knowin’ ya. Also, ta for not locking Damon and his SADFACE of betrayal and doom in the tomb. It was real. Now deceased.

Trevor | Trent Ford | Vampire
Now deceased.

Vicki Donovan | Kayla Ewell | Human --> Vampire --> Ghost!Vampire
Ghost of girlfriend past. Who then came back. And tried to kill Elena. And then got banished again. I think. Now deceased (for real?).

William Tanner | Benjamin Ayers | Human
History teacher of fail. But, also tasty. Ask Damon. Now deceased.

Zach Salvatore | Chris Martin | Human
Danced with Damon and lost (unlike Elena). Now deceased.

PART TWO | Barbie!Klaus is the new black… | THE TERMINOLOGY

(Note: it pains me GREATLY to type these out and they will never not be STUPID to me. But, they exist, therefore they are here…)

Delena | Damon/Elena | Not canon (yet) | UST with a hefty side-dose of ‘the eye thing’* (*see The 'eye thing')
Stelena | Stefan/Elena | Canon (apparently) | Epic love of stalking, lies and emo angst (but you did get the epic part, right?)
Forwood | Caroline/Tyler | Canon | Their first date involved chain!kink. But not like THAT…
Daroline | Damon/Caroline | Canon | *raises hands, palms out…*
Bamon | Bonnie/Damon | Not canon | WTF?
Staroline | Stefan/Caroline | Not canon
Dalaric | Damon/Alaric | Not canon | Unless you squint. And not very hard either!
Datherine | Damon/Katherine | Canon | c: 1864 (plus some very hotttt making out c: 2011)
Steferine | Stefan/Katherine | Canon | c: 1864
Jalaric | Jenna/Alaric | Canon | Unfortunately dead canon though
Jonnie or Beremy (oh, go fandom! Giving the shippers the power of CHOICE! | Jeremy/Bonnie | Canon
Klaroline | Klaus/Caroline | Not canon
Janna | Jeremy/Anna) | Canon | Until she died!died. But, maybe this is back on the cards? In a Demi Moore/Patrick Swayze kinda way?
Jicki | Jeremy/Vicki | Canon | Until Damon turned her into a vamp. And then she died. Oops. NOTE TO SELF: do not get in relationship with Jeremy! Bonnie, get out while you still can!
Stebekah | Stefan/Rebekah | Canon | c: 1920
Dase | pronounced Daze | Damon/Rose | Canon | Well, it was. Until he killed her.
Kalena | Katherine/Elena | Non canon | It exists. Oh, yes it does.

Damon!Apologist | from lit_chick08 | n. or adj. to forgive Damon for essentially any activity or statement he does/makes simply by the virtue of it being Damon (who is OMG soooooo hawt!!!!) without considering how it affects the rest of the characters on the show. Ex: "Of course she'd say it's totally okay that Damon burned down an orphanage on Christmas Day and it isn't his fault because Bonnie made him angry. She's totally a Damon-apologist."

Elena!fog | from catteo | the inability to act like your usual badass self because you are walking around in a fluffy Elena cloud. Causes you to give back necklaces without knowing their significance. Removes your ability to think for yourself. Current sufferers: Damon Salvatore and, to a lesser extent, Alaric Saltzman (dude, she is your STUDENT. Please to be thinking about that when you're wandering around 3/4 naked and mostly still drunk).

Stanning/Stans |
The ‘eye thing’ |
Barbie!Klaus |
Ripper |
Vampire!Barbie |

PART THREE | Werepire is now a word… | THE LORE

Vampires |
Werewolves |
Witches |
Werepires/Hybrids |
Vervain |
Wolfsbane |
The Dagger of Death |
The Cure |
Siring |
Original Vampires |
Doppelgangers |
Ghosts |
The “Humanity” Switch |
The Sun and Moon Curse |
The Ritual |
Desiccation |
Werewolf bites |
Compulsion |
Wooden bullets/stakes/tree branches/broom handles |
Witches Burial Ground Site |
The Necklace |
The Daywalker Rings/Lapis Lazuli |

**Obviously, this is a fluid work in progress. I'll add information to it as I have the time. However, I also IMPLORE you to offer your own contributions/definitions/descriptions/additions (in the comments below) for me to edit in. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Also, if you object wildly to anything I've included so far, please to be letting me know!

character: tvd: jeremy, character: tvd: rose, character: tvd: damon, character: tvd: katherine, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena, character: tvd: matt, character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: klaus, character: tvd: bonnie, character: tvd: tyler, television: breaking bad, character: tvd: caroline

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