meme: sexy tiems...

Mar 01, 2011 14:50

Meme stolen from goldy_dollar and softly_me and totally NOT at ALL used as a procrastination device. NO SIREE!!! (*eyes kaitybear*)

Six ships you are into right now:
01. Alex/Izzie (GA)
02. Katherine/Damon (TVD)
03. Elena/Damon (TVD)
04. Puck/Quinn (Glee)
05. Jane/Jesse (BB) - does it matter than one half of this pairing is D.E.D? Hehe. So, I still 'ship the part when she was alive... it totally counts.
06. Alex/Lucy (GA)

Three ships you liked but don't like anymore:
07. Alex/Lexie (GA)
08. Mark/Lexie (GA)
09. Puck/Rachel (Glee)

Four ships you never liked:
10. Stefan/Elena (TVD)
11. Cristina/Owen (GA)
12. Finn/Quinn (Glee)
13. Rory/Dean (GG)

Two ships you're curious about but don't actually ship:
14. Caroline/Tyler (TVD)
15. Lexie/Jackson (GA)

Why do you dislike 11 [Cristina/Owen] so much?

Oh, dear Lord. WHERE DO I EVEN START??? At the beginning perhaps? When he stabbed the pigs and deliberately forgot her name? Or perhaps at the end (OH PLEASE LET IT BE THE END!!!) when he told her to grow up and give him what he wants despite the fact it's not what SHE wants and this has been made more than clear from EPISODE ONE!

In the middle there was the choking. And the marriage proposal while she was busy freaking out. And the triangle of DOOM. And the fiance. And the way he almost eats her when they kiss.

Who is someone you know that ships 14 [Tyler/Caroline]?

Hmmmmm, abvj. Which reminds me... fic. And miss_blanche.

What would be your ideal scenario for 3 [Elena/Damon]?

DO WE HAVE ALL DAY??? We do not? Right. Shit. In that case... um. CRAP! THERE IS TOOOOOO MUCH! I want Stefan to admit that he and Katherine have spent various time points over the last 145 years hooking up. And that they've kept it a secret from Damon and Elena this whole time (I don't necessarily believe this scenario to be canon anywhere except in my own head).

I then want Damon and Elena to form a tentative bond that builds over the years. I do not want her to become a vampire as I believe a substantial part of their connection only exists because she is human. I want their existence to resemble this. Though, that is subject to change at short notice!!

I do not want Happily Ever After because that is just not my style. Dysfunction And Hot Sex Ever After? Yeah. That!

What is your favourite moment for 1 [Alex/Izzie]?


OMG! I can't even...

Bullet points? Yes. Bullet points. (in no particular order except the one that I remember them in, which is probably telling in itself...)

1. Season 4 finale. THE WHOLE DAMN THING. Her helping. Him getting mad. Her finally understanding. Him utterly devastated. THE KISSING.

2. Season 2 finale. THE WHOLE DAMN THING. The moment on the stairs. Her dress. His longing look. Her with Denny. Him talking to her. Picking her up. Walking out behind her with George. GAH!

3. Izzie and Alex Do Not Believe You. His grand gesture!! *sigh* The good old days.

4. THE KISS AT JOE'S!!! And the moment on the stairs in the hospital that followed it. "I kissed you. With tongue. And I plan to do it again."

5. SEXY TIEMS! ALL OF THEM!! But especially in the supply room. "Alex, I haven't had sex in eight months and twelve days. I'm horny, I'm half naked, and I'm saying yes. Do you want to stand there and talk metaphors or do you want to literally take off your pants?"


How long have you been following 6 [Alex/Lucy]?

Hmmm, well. It's not exactly canon yet. But I've totally been wanting it since the actress was named as a guest star so... since then??!!

What's the story with 8 [Mark/Lexie]? What made you stop liking/caring?

OH! It's like this meme just KNOWS!!! I'm almost tempted to employ bullet points again but I just can't be bothered devoting that much time and effort to the train-wreck.

Basically the main reason I stopped caring was Mark! Haha! Let's just leave it at that, shall we?

You have the power to make one ship nonexistent. Choose from 10 [Stefan/Elena] or 12 [Finn/Quinn].

Hehe. I'd totally have to pick Stefan/Elena. One, because it would be HILARIOUS to sit back and watch fandom implode. And two, because they seriously make me yawn. Or cringe. Or both. On a regular basis.

I don't really watch Glee enough to care about Q/F to the extent that I want them to go away.

Which ship do you prefer, 2 [Katherine/Damon] or 4 [Puck/Quinn]?

Definitely Katherine/Damon. IT IS SO FULL OF GOODNESS. I can't even... I mean, WHY? Why did she turn him? Why did she not attempt to contact him in 145 years? Why does she want to hurt him so badly? Why did he love her so much? Does he still love her? Could they really kill each other? HOW FREAKING HOT WILL THE INEVITABLE SEX BE????

Puck/Quinn seems to have been completely forgotten about by the Glee writing team. Puck/Quinn? Who? What?


What interests you about 15 [Lexie/Jackson]?

Mostly, the fact that it's not Lexie/Mark. And the fact that Mark, unknowingly, kinda instigated it all!!! NOT TO MENTION THE SHOWER SEX!!!

Why did you stop liking 7 [Alex/Lexie]?

They're just too different now. And I think they probably always were, but it was still kinda dysfunctionally intriguing. Now I think Lexie is so far from what Alex needs. And he is so far from what she needs. And it totally doesn't work for me anymore. At all. Which is kinda sad.


Did your waning interest in 9 [Puck/Rachel] kill your interest in the show?

Nope. My interest did wane but that was more to do with the iffy writing and the complete denial of all things Puck/Quinn than anything else...

What's a song that reminds you of 5 [Jane/Jesse]?

Oh, wow. Awesome. AWESOME. And as cliche as it may sound it would totally have to be this...

Not An Addict - K's Choice

(because the lyrics are like... their whole storyline...! For real.)

Breathe it in and breathe it out
And pass it on, it's almost out
We're so creative, so much more
We're high above but on the floor

It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive
If you don't have it you're on the other side

The deeper you stick it in your vein
The deeper the thoughts, there's no more pain
I'm in heaven, I'm a god
I'm everywhere, I feel so hot

It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive
If you don't have it you're on the other side
I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie)

It's over now, I'm cold, alone
I'm just a person on my own
Nothing means a thing to me
(Nothing means a thing to me)

It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive
If you don't have it you're on the other side
I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie)

Free me, leave me
Watch me as I'm going down
Free me, see me
Look at me, I'm falling and I'm falling.

It is not a habit, it is cool I feel alive I feel...
It is not a habit, it is cool I feel alive

It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive
If you don't have it you're on the other side
I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie)
I'm not an addict...

Gah *shudders*. Now I wanna go watch that episode again. Thanks, meme.

If you could have any two of these pairings double date, who would it be?

Damon/Katherine and Alex/Lucy. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE THE SNARK???? Oh, lord.

Have 2 [Damon/Katherine] kissed yet?


Did 4 [Puck/Quinn] have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?


It's like a puff of smoke passed by and it never even happened. Kinda like Owen/Cristina/Teddy.

What would make you start shipping 14 [Caroline/Tyler]?

Hmmm, well. Tyler would have to come back to the show first! That would help! And he'd have to be somewhat reformed when compared to when we last saw him... That would also help. But I kind of want both of these to happen... maybe I already 'ship them? Just a little bit?!

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, 2 [Damon/Katherine] or 6 [Alex/Lucy]?

DAMON/KATHERINE! I think we already know why...

You have the power to decide the fate of 10 [Stefan/Elena]. What happens to them?

I DO? YIKES! *gets ready to fend off fangirls with pointy sticks* What happens to them is what happens to the majority of high school relationships. They grow apart. Realise they're simply not gonna work long term (I mean, hey... he's a vampire. Unless she turns, and please GOD, no, then it's never really gonna be a long term thing is it?) and laugh about the crazy "OMG, I LOVE YOU AND I CAN NEVER LIVE WITHOUT YOU" moments they shared as teenagers.

Which do you dislike the most?

Cristina/Owen. For ever and ever.

Which of these ships do you like the most?

meme: fangirl, television: glee, television: breaking bad, television: the vampire diaries, television: grey's anatomy

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