Title: It started when your eyes rolled back in your head...
Characters/Pairing: Alex/Mark/Lexie, Alex/Lexie, Alex/Mark, Mark/Lexie (with completely unintentional Alex/Izzie vibe-ing at the end!)
Rating: NC-17 (angsty smut that is not too explicit)
Word Count: 1700
Prompt: From
leobrat, Tacoma | Threesome | Fingers
Summary: It started with a surgery. He'd
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She'd say she was surprised by the way they barely register her arrival, barely look up, barely take a breath. -- I'm not surprised at all! Ha! And I love that Lexie is so happy they finally get it on without her, after so many threesomes before ;D .... And the next minute, I'm all defensive for Mark! For, isn't it actually ALEX who deliberately hurts the person he suddenly discovered himself to be in a kind of love with, against all intentions?!?!?!
After all, they've both been expecting the end to arrive. An inevitable dissolution of binds that were beginning to tighten. Noose-like. *sigh* So beautifully said, so sad, and so true (at least until one day, someone in this fandom manages to write them out of their love for 'their girls' LOL).
And let's not forget that OMG, you had Lexie enter into this game because... she wants Mark back?! So if you intended this or not, just... Yay! :) And if you don't mind, I'll just ignore all these sinister insinuations that she is crushed by the prospect of entering an Alex-free marriage or something... Speaking of Alex, the ending with Izzie's card and all the trauma still in full force is so incredibly sad that it really, really hurts (see above).
As to explicitness: even though your descriptions of all this passionate-violent sex aren't explicit on the surface, they still are very hot and powerful and, umm, I can actually SEE these fingers pushing apart willing lips, this pair of tongues, and writhing fray! *dead again* (after sneak peek) ;)
I also adored the structure and the changes of POV, and really, to sum it up, all of it. ♥
Desperate physical intimacy that barely glosses over the hurt, instead of any effort at communication, or even healing: THIS! That's exactly what I meant!!! Maybe I should have just said that and prevented everyone having to wade through the 1700 words of extra stuff!
There was no dialogue in this for a reason and that's because, of all the things the three of these characters do to each other constantly, effectively communicate is SO NOT ONE OF THEM!!! (also, I suck at dialogue, so... handy!).
And I love that Lexie is so happy they finally get it on without her, She's happy because it means that she doesn't have to feel like the mediator anymore, like she's not the one holding it all together (even though she still absolutely and completely is! -- she just doesn't know it!).
I didn't mean to have Mark intentionally hurting someone... so, if it's come across like that then, damn. The scene where he turns his back (is that the one you mean?) on Alex... that was meant to be his attempt at avoiding hurting Alex in the only dysfunctional way he could come up with on the spur of the moment.
I guess I have it as Mark withdrawing first because he's got what he wants (Lexie), whereas Alex will never again have what he wants (Izzie) so there's no reason for him to back away.
As for Lexie wanting Mark back...well, I still firmly believe that, no matter what happens on the show, it will always be Mark/Lexie first, Alex/Izzie first, any other combinations thereof will run a distant second... So, while Lexie didn't necessarily enter into it initially (none of them did) in an attempt to get the other back, it's just the realisation that came along the way... if that makes sense? Hence her fear of telling Alex at the end... because it's not what she originally set out to do (hurt him). She wasn't crushed, she just didn't want to hurt him...
I'm glad you thought the descriptive implicitness worked as well as explicit stuff would have. It's much more my style! Hehe (I'm chicken shit when it comes to anything 'stronger').
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