grey's : "i stare at them, too..."

Oct 15, 2010 19:41

My immediate thoughts on "Can't Fight Biology".

I literally, just this minute, finished watching and I wanted to post my reaction before I read anyone else's so I wouldn't change my mind and grow all bitter and twisted because...



And it's been so long since I had an unpopular character to go into bat for... RIP Izzie :( that I have decided to make her my newest cause! And yes, slybrunette I have you in my fic reading sights! Haha! Nah, just kidding. I COMPLETELY understand that there is lots about her that is annoying, but... I dunno. I just like her. And she reminds me a little of one of my really good friends. And yeah. So there you have it!

HOWEVER! Do not think that she is going to come ANYWHERE near Alex as far as my levels of LURRRVE go (or Izzie for that matter!). Don't worry. I haven't completely lost my brainz!

Alas, I also know that 99.9% of the people likely to read this won't care one iota about my new-ish found love for all things Kepner, so... moving on...

ALEX!!! He had something to DOOOOOO! AND he got to give Arizona a semi-smackdown, which, gotta tell you... GO ALEX! And sticking up for Mark? MAN! My boy is growing! (AND it makes me feel much more inappropriately tingly in my girlie bits about the Lexie/Alex/Mark smut/angst fest that I'm 4/5ths of the way through... leobrat -- *wink wink nudge nudge*).

Couple of things that bugged with the cancer kid's storyline... Firstly, the dance sequence? WHAT was that? Made me all squirmy and uncomfortable inside because it just felt so... manipulative. And I didn't even think the kid was that great... (but I was a gymnast at 15 and we kicked the ballet kids ASSES so... maybe that's just my own personal biases! Haha!). Also, the procedure they did? Not that rare!! Not at all! At least, not here in Australia. Obviously kinda rare, because the cancer/candidate combination itself can be rare but... yeah. No great breakthrough and REALLY shouldn't have taken them that long to figure it out! I mean, I knew the answer straight away and I'm no bone surgeon so I didn't really buy that. It just felt like another plot device to spice up the April/Lexie green eyed monster of doooooom.

Lexie? Oh. I'd forgotten what a bitch you can be! I enjoyed it despite the fact I felt you were being an immature child. "Wah, wah, wah, what about meeee?" The redeeming factor for me was that she recognised it at the end and came to a semi-truce with April and Meredith.

LOVED Meredith this episode! Meredith and I? We have our moments... but I thought she was great with the Huntington's Disease patient, and I liked the way she dealt with Lexie at the end... ie. telling her to get her head out of her ass and grow up but in a way that wasn't harsh and bitchy at alllll. GO MERE! It's not only Alex that is growing!

The Arizona/Teddy/(Mark) scene was predictable and boring... Why? Because, like 3/4s of the recent storylines, THEY'VE DONE IT BEFORE... gah. I reiterate my message from last week. GET NEW MATERIAL PEOPLE!

Good to see that Arizona is keeping up her selfish bitch-face and looking out for numero uno first. Nice character development there. Not. Also, nice hypocritical "you can't look at my boobs but I can look at Jackson 'cause he's pretty..." arc, too.

Um... I didn't mind the worm dude, even if I did feel like I'd been slapped in the face with a fish by the end of it! MAN! How massive were THOSE anvils! It's like they (the writers) decided to go with THE most UNSUBTLE speech they could possibly write there at the end! Jeez. BUT, I did enjoy that we didn't have Cristina's 'issues' shoved down our throats all episode. I still think Owen doesn't get her. Not even close. And his underhanded tactic to get her into the OR was just further proof.

But, I hate Pig Murderer so... yeah! I'm cool with that!

Finally? Teddy? UM, maybe Jackson should report YOU for only letting him scrub in because he batted his eyelashes at you! And maybe he should report YOU for completely vagueing out in surgery because he was looking at you all dreamily... Get over yourself. Also, might wanna keep the bitching down to a dull roar when the object of said bitching is within hearing distance. Unprofessional cow. Also, to quote alittlembrace_x, Tedd.d.. *snore*...

Oh, and speaking of unprofessional. Callie and Arizona and pretty much every scene they were in together beyond the intitial sexytimes scene. Nothing further needs to be said, really!

(Not even gonna go there with unsupportive ass Derek at the end).

I feel like I've forgotten HEAPS (could be the fact that there are always 47 thousand storylines happening at once which I still have MASSIVE issues with...) so if you have something else you wanna chat about, then feel free to ask me!

SO!!! Sock it to me... I'm more than prepared to duck the flying tomatoes that are sure to come my way!

ETA: Next week's promo looks like the episode is going to be, quite possibly, THE MOST UNREALISTIC EPISDOE THEY'VE EVER ATTEMPTED!!! Up to an including Ghost Sex.

thoughts: i have them, television: grey's anatomy

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