Title: Into something real...
Characters/Pairing: Teddy
Prompt: # 9 - Unrequited, from the
angst table at
drabble123 and "lonely | Chicago | ears" for
abvjRating: PG
Word Count: 100
She's half way to Chicago when her metaphorical fog lifts.
Swamped by empty seats and echoes somewhere high in the clouds over Rapid City, she shakes her head, disentangles the sound from her ears.
In the end she wasn't enough. He chose the other girl, even if she didn't choose him back.
But decisions were made amid unholy horrors. She won't be second prize. Not again.
Sun illuminates dust motes choreographing recitals in her periphery. She draws the blinds, blinks into the pale shade.
Thinks about tonight because it's too late for yesterday and tomorrow seems so impossibly far away.