Title: That long forgotten feeling of her...
Fandom: Breaking Bad (aka, my current meth crack...)
Characters: Jesse and Mr. White... (because it's Jesse's pov)
Word Count: 1300
Rating: R for language.
Summary: An attempt to recreate in prose the dream-like feel of the desert that is so eloquently portrayed on the screen... Just Jesse and Walt and a
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Comments 22
I'm glad you think that it worked and that I achieved what I hoped to with it. You should DEFINITELY WATCH MOARRR!!!!
(and then write fic!)
Your next one should be all about grins and giggles and everything good and sweet, yes? :P
This was my first Breaking Bad fic but typically I'm holed up in Grey's Anatomy land and over there I'm kinda known for my angsting around! Grins and giggles? Not so much! But I'll try!
You know what? Once someone asked me to write them a fluffy kinda piece and in the end I had people sorting coke off each other and generally being all screwed up and crazy. I don't even know how it happens most of the time!!!
And wow.
How do you do this? I hope you know like, half of how amazing you are.
Because you are.
And this is beautiful and achy and broken and perfect.
Thanks for coming back to this fic and I'm so glad that you liked it!!! Also, thanks for the awesome stuff you said, I really do appreciate it!
Thank you, thank you!
A masterlist is a great idea.
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