Title: We got lost on the winding road...
Characters: Alex and Meredith
Prompt: # 18; Ache, from the
angst table at
drabble123Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Meredith visits.
Meredith is there when he wakes up. Not the first time. Days later.
It's days until she comes.
She makes it three steps inside his room before her knees collide heavily with the floor beneath her feet. She's looking at him, eye level, arms alternating; limp by her side or fisted tight, one hand shoved into her mouth to muffle the sobs.
And the vent is gone now, has been for a while, so he thinks he probably shouldn't look that bad.
But it's not just about him. And the absence of the vent is irrelevant.
Even he gets that.