Fic: It's a grave mistake (and I'm wide awake) Owen and Burke

Apr 21, 2010 21:17

Title: It's a grave mistake (and I'm wide awake)
Characters/Pairing: Owen Hunt and Preston Burke (implied Cristina/Owen, implied Cristina/Burke)
Prompt: # 3 - Bleed, from the angst table at drabble123
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: For nursebadass. Um, not sure what happened to the crack. I think the angst monster smoked it... sorry!

She's an unconventional damsel and she's far from in distress, they'll both admit that. Doesn't mean they won't use her as an excuse to fight dirty anyway.

His fatigues are dusty, torn, decades old. He's well trained, military precision. Really, it should be no contest.

But target practice in the DMZ counts for precious little out here.

A jagged line in the sand, proverbial though it may be, is drawn and crossed. Crossed again.

As his blood spills, crimson rivulets in the dust and debris at his feet, he sinks, defeated, to his knees and watches her choose before.


character: ga: hunt, character: ga: burke, television: grey's anatomy

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