[real life] and again | "in a cab on a weeknight..."

Dec 03, 2018 11:47

It's a pretty miserable day here today, but a good day to drop back into LJ.

I'm still on University holidays and only working the same day and a half that I was during the teaching year as that's my contract these days. It means lots of spare time. Last week I re-grouted the shower in my ensuite. The excitement is real.

OH! But for real excitement, I PASSED FIRST YEAR! I didn't know that for sure last time I posted, but I do now. We only get ungraded passes so until we get individualised exam feedback in a couple of weeks via email, I don't know how well I passed, but the beauty of ungraded passes means it actually also doesn't matter, so *shrug*. One foot in front of the other, I guess. We open up year two with cardio and resp. I shall attempt to channel my inner Cristina Yang.

I had been entertaining fanciful notions of getting back into fic writing over this break, but, LOL. #unlikely. I just... don't know how anymore? Perhaps the lack of a show and, more importantly, a fandom that captivates me in the way Grey's and TVD and Rookie Blue did once isn't helping either. Who knows.

If anyone knows of a ficathon or some other challenge happening at the moment, please link me and I will see what happens. Do these things still happen at LJ? Or are they the realm of tumblr or other locales these days? Or not even a thing at all?

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character: ga: cristina, real life: med life crisis, #unlikely

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