Completed Airport Meme Fics

Dec 08, 2009 00:42

The following are the drabble results of an airport meme I stole from slybrunette weeks ago...

For those of you who might be interested... I hope you enjoy.

Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Word Count: Varies from drabble to drabble but... all drabblish!
Rating: Varies from PG-13 to R (depending on the fic).
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and all the characters, settings, and events thereof, are properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Referral to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libellous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

1. When the war is over... (part 1), (part 2)
Alex/Addison | Suvarnabhumi Airport (Bangkok, Thailand) | War Stories | from openended

2. The One With The Boobies
Alex/Addison | Melbourne Airport (Victoria, Australia) | The One With The Boobies | from hookedupforfun

3. Running straight into the brake lights...
Alex/Izzie | Seattle Aiport (Washington, USA) | Ignorance Is Bliss | from onlyobsession

4. You sighed and I was lost in you...
Alex/Addison | Narita Airport (Tokyo, Japan) | The Cheating Curve | from addikat

5. Waking up from rain delays...
Alex and Arizona | Logan Airport (Boston, USA) | What To Do While We're Waiting | from leobrat

6. So, this is where the story ends...
Alex/George | Washington Dulles Airport (Virginia, USA) | SWAK | from ice_whisper

Thank you everyone who left a prompt! Hope the results weren't too terrible! Extra thank you to the last three for their patience!

character: ga: arizona, fic: drabble, character: ga: izzie, character: ga: george, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: addison, character: ga: alex

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