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Comments 153

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS waltzmatildah January 1 2015, 10:54:39 UTC
Reply here :)


Re: COMMENTS/QUESTIONS catteo January 1 2015, 12:13:37 UTC


Re: COMMENTS/QUESTIONS catteo January 1 2015, 12:13:51 UTC


Re: COMMENTS/QUESTIONS redbrunja January 1 2015, 20:12:16 UTC
I was going to call you out on the fact that you hadn't written any Skyeward... but then I realized that the reason you didn't post any skyeward in 2014 was my own failures as a beta. Oops.


Filled Prompt Links waltzmatildah January 1 2015, 10:56:16 UTC
Go here...


Re: Filled Prompt Links waltzmatildah January 2 2015, 00:41:17 UTC
Written On Your Skin | by callmeonetrack

THE AFFAIR | Cole (/Alison)

Love me like a heart beat,
with your long hair and your cold feet.
Hold me like it's easy...


Re: Filled Prompt Links catteo January 2 2015, 04:55:01 UTC
We're Not So Starry-Eyed Anymore | by catteo


And when you broke sideways
I wanted you, I needed you
Oh, oh,
to make me better...


RE: Filled Prompt Links amathela January 2 2015, 04:57:32 UTC
Burning Down the House by amathela


Come on, come on and let me in
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
And this is supposed to match
The darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix yourself


waltzmatildah January 1 2015, 11:18:32 UTC
TOP OF THE LAKE | Robin/Johnno

hold me now, I feel contagious.
Am I the only place
that you've left to go?


waltzmatildah January 1 2015, 11:21:27 UTC
GLUE | Tina

Someone will hand you a sweet proposition one day,
and you'll say, say, "G'day,
How you doin' Fortune?"
You'll be a city girl soon.


waltzmatildah January 1 2015, 11:24:15 UTC
THE AFFAIR | Cole (/Alison)

Love me like a heart beat,
with your long hair and your cold feet.
Hold me like it's easy...


Written on your skin, The Affair, Cole (/Alison) callmeonetrack January 1 2015, 15:40:53 UTC
(Oh man, this is super depressing and I am super rusty-- I wrote uh, zero fics in 2014. But Cole <3 <3 <3 )

He can't take another morning of waking up and looking into her eyes and seeing...not guilt. Not love either. Just...a blankness, as if she can't see him at all.

It wouldn't be so hard if he could just stop remembering what she used to look like. The way she used to look at him rather than through him. Laughing eyes and curving lips superimposed over her face like a ghost. Like their ghost.

Suddenly he's angry, furious at all that's left them.

At all that's left of them ( ... )


Re: Written on your skin, The Affair, Cole (/Alison) drzlilsuga January 1 2015, 15:55:02 UTC
OMG, I love this. I've only seen up to ep 4, I think, but the power of JOSHUA Jackson means I ship him and allison more than the main dude.

Really great job!


Re: Written on your skin, The Affair, Cole (/Alison) waltzmatildah January 1 2015, 16:35:42 UTC
Oh thank you so much! I wish the show was about him and his brothers and the ranch, honestly! Lol. Who cheats on surfing cowboy Pacey?! He has some great scenes in episode 7 and the finale!


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