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Comments 42

limonatafic November 29 2014, 01:03:49 UTC
100mph??? :o I generally know nothing about sports and don't particularly care but I saw stuff about this on facebook. Poor guy. I'll be thinking about him on our birthday. :(


waltzmatildah November 29 2014, 10:12:57 UTC
Yep, 160kph.

Your birthday is tomorrow, too? Well, happy birthday!! And yeah, raise a glass to Phil at some stage... I'll be cheers-ing back with you.


limonatafic November 29 2014, 16:24:50 UTC
That is insane.

Yeah, it was a bit startling to realize that. His poor family. Not that there is ever a good time, but this is a terrible time. I bet they had presents already.


waltzmatildah November 30 2014, 05:32:17 UTC
Not that there is ever a good time, but this is a terrible time. I bet they had presents already. Yep, and to think, they'll probably just start to operate with some degree of functionality again, emotionally, and bam, Christmas.

Anyway, hope you are having a most fabulous day! We had a BBQ lunch and we all cheers'd to Phillip (and I to you, inside my head!!).



woodycakes November 29 2014, 01:23:14 UTC
yikes. this sounds horrible. :( just googled it and it's terrible.
and he's so young :(


waltzmatildah November 29 2014, 10:13:31 UTC
Yeah, it really is awful... :(


(The comment has been removed)

waltzmatildah November 29 2014, 10:17:39 UTC

... )


horatios November 29 2014, 02:02:12 UTC
Oh God. I thought of you when I first saw this. The whole time he was in a critical condition I never thought he'd actually die. It's almost unreal to think that this could happen on the cricket pitch, of all places. Like maybe skiing or Formula 1 or something. But never on the actualfax cricket pitch. Somehow it makes it all the more devastating, sickening. I'm so sorry. Poor guy. And he was only four years older than me. Like, not the time you want to die. :((


waltzmatildah November 29 2014, 10:31:48 UTC
Oh God. I thought of you when I first saw this. I've turned into this version of myself that I honestly do not recognise. I can barely make it through 2 hours at a time without crying! I keep having to say, "Calm yo'self, you didn't even know him..."

I was driving home from my Mum's this evening and all of a sudden I was like, "Oh, Sean Abbott (the bowler)..." CUE TEARS.

But never on the actualfax cricket pitch. THIS. Exactly. I mean, let's be real, with a vertebral artery dissection, the two days of life support was nothing more than buying time for his family/friends/team-mates to say good-bye. Effectively, he died right there on the pitch. With his mum and sister (and a large crowd and the people watching on TV) looking on. He was playing cricket.

It would have been his birthday in two and a half hours...


waltzmatildah November 30 2014, 05:41:18 UTC
Did you hear that there was another mid-match cricket fatality yesterday? An Israeli umpire was hit in the neck and, again, died later in hospital...

I mean, c'mon.


maggies_lens November 29 2014, 05:40:41 UTC
I haaaaaaate cricket and would rather scratch my own eyes out with a rusty razor blade and wash them with vinegar thereafter than be made to watch even a single minute of it...but even I felt utter horror at what happened to him. I feel most for the guy who bowled the ball. What a thing to live with all your life.
Poor family.
Poor mates.
Poor team-mates.


waltzmatildah November 29 2014, 10:23:19 UTC
Yeah, of those 'left behind' as it were, I also feel the most for Sean Abbott. I can't begin to comprehend how he ever bowls a cricket ball again. They were both just two young guys doing the one thing they loved most. Given you don't do cricket, you probably don't know, but they made their debut for the Australian T20 team in the very same match as each other less than two months ago... Like, the whole thing is just one awful set of circumstances after another...

Poor family.
Poor mates.
Poor team-mates.

Yeah, this...


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