[prompt me] ficcish things | "I'm drifting with my mental health..."

Mar 23, 2014 14:03

This is a
'Why Do The Television Gods of 2014 Hate Me So Much?'
Prompt Fest thing...

[-] If anyone else feels like playing along then, please do! And if you'd like to add your own WHYYYY MEEEE?? characters to this little corner of WOE, then that's okay too. Death is not a requirement, so feel free to prompt characters such as Rebekah from The Originals.

[-] One prompt per comment to make things nice and neat. Prompts need to contain at least one character who, despite it ONLY BEING FREAKING MARCH!!!, has been killed off or otherwise disposed of this year already. Non-dead-and-still-very-much-here characters can be included, but only if the key character is one of our dearly departed.

[-] Crossovers welcomed strongly encouraged!

[-] Prompt me ALL THE THINGS...!!!


House of Cards/Teen Wolf/The Vampire Diaries | Zoe, Allison, Katherine | They all materialise in a bar somewhere in the universe and bond over complaining about the way their characters were killed.

television: house of cards, television: teen wolf, character: tvd: katherine, fic: prompt me, television: the vampire diaries, character: hoc: zoe, character: tw: allison

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