Title | Hard Times for Dreamers
Fandom | Homeland/My So-Called Life
Characters | Carrie|Angela/Jordan
Rating | PG
Word Count | 100
Author's Note | Written as a 2013
yuletide (yumadrin) drabble for
lizwontcry He’s waiting when she gets there; hair in his eyes just the way she remembers, guitar pick between his fingers and tapping a rhythm against the faded table-top.
“Sorry I’m late,” she breathes. Her standard greeting.
His eyebrows raise and he pushes to standing, kisses her forehead gently as she takes a moment to breathe him in once more.
“I saw you on the news,” he says. He’s worried. He’s always worried these days.
But she’s Angela here, for him. Has shed Carrie and left her skin on the sidewalk for a blissful half-hour.
“I’ve missed you,” she says instead.