[television] ga + tvd | "I haven't had a friend in years..."

Oct 11, 2013 22:51

I should have lots to say about Grey's Anatomy because of certain things that were revealed this episode and a certain character that was introduced. IT IS SOMETHING I HAVE BEEN WAITING TEN SEASONS FOR. And, alas, I kind of don't care? I'm hoping next week turns that around because I WANT to care. I feel like I SHOULD care, given my investment over ( Read more... )

character: tvd: jeremy, character: tvd: damon, character: tvd: katherine, thoughts: i have them, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena, character: tvd: matt, character: ga: alex, television: grey's anatomy

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waltzmatildah October 11 2013, 12:02:34 UTC
I love that the show is being so CLEAR about it, it's WONDERFUL!!!!!! YES! THIS! She totally worked Jeremy and Matt this episode and the beautiful thing is, she didn't even start off doing it deliberately, I don't think. But she quickly "figured out" how effective it was and managed to move from a position where they were actively hunting her down and tying her up, to caring for her and protecting her. I'm sure the fact she looks like Elena helps, BUT STILL. I love it, love it, love it!

She's figuring out HOW TO DO IT ELENA'S WAY. It is fucking awesome. BOOM!

but the anger itself was natural and spontaneous, not supernaturally induced at all. Yeah, that's what I thought. INTERESTING, INTERESTING!!!


ishi_chan October 11 2013, 12:01:05 UTC

I WANT TO SAY A HUGE FUCKING THANK YOU TO WHOMEVER IT WAS THAT PENNED THAT LINE. I think it's my favourite line ever from this entire freaking series, because YES! YES YES YES YES YES.

RIGHT???? IT WORKS ON SO MANY LEVELS!!! And it ties in perfectly with the things Jeremy and Matt have said to her.

or me that scene was all about Katherine and her initial shock that someone would do something genuinely nice for her without her having to trick them into it

The vulnerability is kicking in rofl

"Yes, it kinda sucks but I'm okay with you being psychically connected to my brother/your ex-boyfriend..." statement was LIES, LIES, LIES!!! HIS FAAAAACE. Ha. Damon/Elena are so doomed. Damon is the OPPOSITE of "secure" in any of his relationships, least of all this one.

One day that pressed face Damon makes when he's trying not to show his insecurities is gonna stick (I'd actually say we've almost reached that point LOL)

Finally, I really need human!Katherine icons. Does anyone know if any have been made yet? I feel incomplete without ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 11 2013, 12:06:58 UTC
RIGHT???? IT WORKS ON SO MANY LEVELS!!! And it ties in perfectly with the things Jeremy and Matt have said to her. IT WAS PERFECT! I honestly steeled myself for her to say, "I lied." I was even prepared to cheer for that eventuality. WHAT WE GOT WAS SO MUCH BETTER!!!

One day that pressed face Damon makes when he's trying not to show his insecurities is gonna stick (I'd actually say we've almost reached that point LOL) I think you might be right!!! Is it awful that I'm actively looking forward to their collapse. I think that makes me awful. OH WELL.

I had planned on making various icon things this weekend YOU ARE MY NEW FAVOURITE PERSON!!! If you get a chance to make icons (.gifs are important too though, I totally get that!), then I pretty much want ALL THE KATHERINE THINGS! I like textless. But other than that, I really don't mind.


swirlsofblue October 11 2013, 12:16:10 UTC


waltzmatildah October 12 2013, 07:11:31 UTC


lynnenne October 11 2013, 13:12:44 UTC
She's putting her Petrova wiles to good use and doing what she's seen human!Elena do since day dot. And she's getting pretty freaking good at it too. I mean, I don't care what anyone says, Matt and Jeremy? They're both currently wrapped around her little finger!

YES YES YES. Everything this.

Nina absolutely OWNED this episode. Her face when she compared herself to the moonstone! BRB DYING.


waltzmatildah October 12 2013, 07:11:04 UTC
Nina absolutely OWNED this episode. DIDN'T SHE!!! She was flawless. I was telling someone else that I often forget she plays both Elena and Katherine. SHE IS SO GOOD (though she is not quite Tatiana Maslany - Orphan Black, but NO ONE is Tatiana Maslany so...!!)

Also, Tatiana Maslany isn't Katherine Pierce either. WE CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING!

Katherine ♥


miss_blanche October 11 2013, 13:29:10 UTC
I love, love, love the move towards a more Elena style of operating (is that an unpopular opinion? I don't even think I care if it is, I love it); especially as Elena's skillz in this area don't seem to be quite as effective as they once were

I have no idea if it's popular or not, but I thought this was really interesting too, although I'm guessing it'll be something she relies on more as she's adjusting to the human lifestyle and then tries to ditch as soon as possible, because as useful as other people are as allies (especially when you're human) I imagine that Katherine will want to become as self sufficient as possible, even as a human (because all the vampires/humans banding together still failed to protect Elena from dying, so). How successful that ditching is though could be the interesting part because there aren't many viable options for protection when you're a human. Also "I figured it out" may be my favourite line from the series as well tbh, it was very clever. Whoever wrote this episode just deserves an award.

Elena ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 12 2013, 07:09:02 UTC
I have no idea if it's popular or not, but I thought this was really interesting too, Well, judging by the comments I've gotten here, it's definitely a popular opinion!

I'm curious as to why you think it's bold though You need to keep in mind that I didn't watch season four so, my thoughts and opinions are clouded by that fact (for example; some of the things happening this season with Elena's characterisation were apparently started in the back-half of season four, and I missed all that so.). ANYWAY. I think it's bold because of the very deliberate (and almost hand-waving) nature of Damon's redepmtion to date, where pretty much nothing has been addressed (that I know of) except in a "Pfff, Damon's a serial killer... *eye roll*" kind of way in order to make him appropriate as a hook-up for their main protagonist. Does this make sense? Also, I think it only further underlined that Damon/Elena are in a downward spiral that is only going to end in Damon-shaped heartbreak. I think they're being quite obvious about that eventuality, ( ... )


miss_blanche October 13 2013, 00:48:17 UTC
Hmmm I guess that makes sense (in terms of not watching S4) because I feel like the back half of season 4 was a demonstration of Damon being a fairly awful choice for Elena, in terms of controlling her choices and what not. Maybe not in a way that points out him being a serial killer as a bad thing, but just generally bad in terms of controlling her choices and doing awful things to get back her humanity. So in a way I guess that kind of ties in with this viewing of him now. Although, idk, I do feel like in prior seasons Elena has always been quite vocal about Damon being a shitty person, so her pointing it out doesn't seem that... harsh is not really the right word, but it's the only one I can think of, haha. It's not harsh in the sense that I think it's perfectly deserved but more harsh from a viewing perspective I guess. But then again, I'd agree that in S3/early S4 they probably downplayed that a lot more than in S1 and S2.

I think they're being quite obvious about that eventuality, without being ~deliberately obviousI think they ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 13 2013, 01:13:11 UTC
because I feel like the back half of season 4 was a demonstration of Damon being a fairly awful choice for Elena, For me, these first two episodes have been such a marked shift (in honesty and embraced cynicism) that it makes all kinds of sense that there was a shift towards this in the back half of season four. Good to know, good to know.

I'd agree that in S3/early S4 they probably downplayed that a lot more than in S1 and S2. Which cynical me says thay ~had to do to justify Elena 'choosing' him. And it fits with the discord in Elena's characterisation, which was at its worst in season three in my opinion.

I think they're being blatantly obvious tbh Oh yeah, me too. Absolutely. But it's still being done well. Like, it so far hasn't felt at all like clunky anvils and Grey's Anatomy-esque and out of character. It feels really honest. I LIKE IT A LOT. Damon's "I am secure enough in..." is such a Damon thing to say for example, but it's also a complete lie. But it's a deliberate complete lie from a characterisation point of view.

That ( ... )


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