[breaking bad] spam party | "kept you waiting there too long, my love..."

Oct 11, 2013 13:54

I've been putting off and putting off making another Breaking Bad post because I kept thinking I'd get to a place where I wanted to meta!flail about every miniscule detail and analyse and over-analyse every second of every scene in that Written To Perfection finale. But... I'm not there yet! And I actually can't imagine EVER being there, which is actually a truly fucking awesome revelation!! The idea of picking apart my favourite fifty five minutes of television everrrrrr honestly makes me shudder. I don't want to pick it apart, not even in a OMG!FLAIL kind of way. I just want to revel in the bigger picture, and to treasure the episode as a whole for what it was to the wider Breaking Bad fandom, what it was to people who'd never seen an episode before then, what it was to people who Netflixed the entire series in the days and weeks leading up to the end, and, most importantly, what it was to me...

Which, in case you were wondering, was everything.

Basically, all I wanna do is word vomit about how great everything was, lose myself for hours at a time in Tumblr tags, and have conversations with my Breaking Bad-fan flisties that look something like;



So, if the thoughts; "I actually wish they'd..." or, "I think they should have..." or, "I felt disappointed/underwhelmed/cheated by..." HAVE NOT CROSSED YOUR MIND ONCCCCEEEEE since the finale aired, then please come here and flail with me. Basically I want alllll the links to alllll the glorious things that have appeared on the internet since the finale aired. ALL THE ART, ALL THE VIDEOS, ALL THE PICTURES OF THE CAST BEING AWESOME! Random anecdotes like Aaron Paul reaching the number one spot on IMDb, and the DreamWorks animation dude that wanted to pay 75 mill for three more episodes he planned to air in 6 minute blocks for fifty cents each!!, and the fact that someone paid $9900.00 for the tighty whiteys Bryan Cranston wore in the pilot.

Basically anything except, "I think this should have happened instead..."-type negativity goes HERE! PLEASEEEE.

Sidenote: I've been officially banned by the other Psych. postgrads. from talking about Breaking Bad at university anymore. This is on the back of a marathon three hour flail session in which no-one did anything thesis-productive and others were inadvertently spoiled (though not by me!!). HOWEVERRRR... the other day I was with a couple of the guys and we went to an on-campus cafe to get lunch. As I was standing there waiting for them, I overheard the girl at the table behind me say the magic word; "HEISENBERG". Well, I resisted for about 3.5 seconds before completely caving and inserting myself into her conversation. She was a complete stranger. NEITHER OF US CARED. It was a moment of perfection. Her friend had yet to see the finale, although she had. She asked me if I had and when I replied that I thought it was the greatest thing I'd everrrr seen, her face did this, like, melty thing where it went all soft and glowy AND I COULD HAVE JUST KISSED HER RIGHT THERE BECAUSE PERFECT REACTION WAS PERFECT. She didn't even need to speak... I'm pretty sure we're soulmates. I don't even know her name...

thoughts: incoherent, character: bb: hank, character: bb: mike, character: bb: saul, waltzmatildah: may actually be mad, character: bb: marie, thesis: is a dirty word, character: bb: badger, waltzmatildah: deserves a tag, television: breaking bad, vince gilligan: deserves a tag, character: bb: skinny pete, character: bb: jane, spam: party, character: bb: gus, breaking bad: deserves another tag, thoughts: i have them, character: bb: jesse, character: bb: walt, character: bb: gale, character: bb: skyler

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