[television] breaking bad | "take a bath in my blood, get to know me..."

Aug 11, 2013 18:53

So, this is it folks. I'll just be over here for the next eight weeks, suspended in a state of perpetual horror, increasing devastation, and unimaginable awe. NO REGRETS. NONE. The most remarkable television show, nay, the most remarkable dramatic production of any type I've ever seen, ever, is coming to an end. I WILL NEVER BE READY FOR IT, AND YET? BRING IT ON. This show has coloured all other viewing experiences for me and I imagine it always will. For that I say, THANK YOU. THANK YOU, SHOW. And thank you to the random LJer with the Aaron Paul icon all those many moons ago who took the time to explain to shallow as a shower me who Jesse Pinkman was and why I should check out this weird little show called Breaking Bad. A show about a fifty something high school chemistry teacher who gets diagnosed with lung cancer and takes up cooking crystal meth. A show that is about OH MY GOD SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST THAT.

For those of you who watch, have a couple of last minutes recs to whet your appetites.

Death and Walter White | A Meta

image Click to view

[non spoilery, but very spine tingly!!]

SEE YOU ALL ON THE FLIP-SIDE. The wait, it is almost over...

All Hail The King

television: breaking bad

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