[veronica mars] thoughts | "just remember me when you're good to go..."

Jul 29, 2013 13:45

SEASON ONE OF VERONICA MARS IS NOW OFFICIALLY ON MY "SEEN IT" LIST! I finished watching the final episode about fifteen minutes ago and have been trying to pull my thoughts together into something coherent so I can make a post while I'm still in the "honeymoon phase" and haven't begun to over-analyse everything yet!

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character: vm: duncan, character: vm: logan, character: vm: wallace, thoughts: i have them, character: vm: lilly, television: veronica mars, character: vm: veronica

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Comments 63

limonatafic July 29 2013, 03:58:54 UTC
I don't really remember anything specific, aside from a few arcs and twists that I won't be mentioning, so I'm pretty much just dropping by to remark on how the girls seem to look older to me in their flashbacks than they (or I guess Veronica) did in the show. I think it's possibly just in those caps, and possibly because it throws back to some kind of middle-aged housewife flashforward scenario? Idek. It's WEIRD.GIF though.


waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 04:08:54 UTC
and possibly because it throws back to some kind of middle-aged housewife flashforward scenario? I don't really get what you mean by this?? And I'm confused as to what images you're talking about because you mention Veronica but then you also mention "weird.gif" and so...

The fact that I'm confused as to exactly what you're talking about aside; we only see Lilly in flashbacks. As for Veronica, I suspect they were too intent on making her look different to really worry about whether 'different' also looked 'older'. At least, that's my conclusion.

Hopefully that answers your question. If there was even a question in there in the first place!


limonatafic July 29 2013, 04:21:38 UTC
Haha okay I'm totally failing at communication right now. LET ME TRY AGAIN.

Seeing Lilly and Veronica in the flashback caps there, particularly the one 3rd down on the right, I sort of think they look older than Veronica did in the general show "present tense" chronology, partly because the hairstyle she has I think reminds me of... like when they aged Mer and Cristina forward and had them talking about chicken surgery. And, in the cap at least (I don't remember, it might not be the same effect in the show as it's moving) combined with the sweater set it's somehow combining these two fairly innocuous factors and just giving me a really suburban-housewife feel and not a "we're freshman" feel, is that clearer? To me that makes her look older, not younger, is basically my point. :) Not a question. :)


abvj July 29 2013, 04:02:25 UTC
Watch The Killing!

That's all.


waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 04:03:47 UTC
I have to wait for a stream to become available! I HAVE BEEN OCD SEARCHING!! I WILL GO OCD SEARCH SOME MORE.



abvj July 29 2013, 04:24:11 UTC
I'm pretty much dead over here. Come talk to me the minute you watch!


waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 04:26:22 UTC
Found a stream. Am five minutes in!! Will report back as sooooon as I'm done!


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waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 05:34:36 UTC
I love that Lilly did all this stuff just because she wanted to, because it was fun, and because she could. I just love her in general. LILLY FOREVER!! ♥ [hit me with a spoiler: is she in any of the season two/three episodes?]

Same here, except I don't ship her with Leo either, LOL See, this is where I'm REALLY not sure how to draw the line between Leo and Schmidt! Haha! I literally can't be objective about Leo because of all my Schmidt 'issues'. And I'm not saying AT ALL that I ship Veronica with Schmidt, just that I'm experiencing a little transference and can NOT be objective. In other words, take EVERYTHING I say about Leo with a grain of salt!!

IDK, I think it's also the responsibility of the person asking, to not demand all the time, because the, "Oh well he/she could always say no," line of thought can enter gray areas depending on the nature of the relationship. While I absolutely and definitely agree with this notion IN PRINCIPLE, I do think, in the context of the way it's presented in this show, it's not quite as black/ ( ... )


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waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 06:05:40 UTC
though IIRC my discomfort was more in the later seasons than in the first one. OOOOOOH!! This actually intrigues me more than anything else I've heard about this show to date!! The portrayal of friendships is where it's AT for me. I could be down for uncomfortable Wallace+Veronica developments (if they're written honestly/awarely I'm pretty sure that's not a word!! WITH AWARENESS!! Let's pretend I said that, okay?).

Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm. INTRIGUED = ME!

Yeeeessss, but...not much, TBH. :( Well, initially I was worried she wouldn't be in ANY (that whole, "don't forget me" scene seemed kinda like a 'good-bye'), so I will take this! And savour the rare appearances :)


pocochina July 29 2013, 06:08:14 UTC
DUNCAN VERSUS LOGAN w/r/t VERONICA | I'm guessing I'm meant to have an opinion by now? And I think I probably do? I think? Like, I don't actually, actively ship Veronica with anyone that isn't Leo. BUT, if it was a 'choose or die' situation then I'm saying Duncan, hands down.

I can agree with that as well. I do really like Logan, but I thought Veronica and Duncan had that interesting surface-level-functionality/seething pit of dysfunction dynamic that I really like. And I was into her with Leo, too!

Give him sarcasm or humour, and it's all fine. Excellent even. Anything more serious, or heartfelt than that and it makes me cringe.ha, that was a big part of what worked for me about Logan? He's made himself so comfortable with the snark because he is so raw and unbalanced beneath it ( ... )


waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 06:17:32 UTC
but I thought Veronica and Duncan had that interesting surface-level-functionality/seething pit of dysfunction dynamic that I really like. YES! This! This is exactly the kind of dynamic that I enjoy! Haha!

He's made himself so comfortable with the snark because he is so raw and unbalanced beneath it. Yeah, intellectually, I can understand how this is probably how I'm ~supposed to interpret Logan. But like I said, it just makes me cringe and then tune out! OOPS! I've seen that sort of characterisation done well before (see: Justin Chambers as Alex Karev on Grey's Anatomy), but Jason Dohring just makes me feel uncomfortable and/or like I want to laugh. Which is probably not his intention.

I don't remember getting the impression that Lilly knew about Aaron's abuse of Logan. I'm glad you've said this because I DEFINITELY never got that impression. At least, not from anything I've seen so far (whether it comes up in seasons two or three I obviously don't know, but it doesn't in season one, I am sure of it).

I mean, she probably got that ( ... )


bellonablack July 29 2013, 07:50:46 UTC
She did things because they were fun! Because she could! Not because she was a malicious bitch who wanted to hurt people. I don't think she had a CLUE about consequences. Not really. Not even with regard to hooking up with her boyfriend's father. Or with Weevil. She was over-confident and naive to the end (as evidenced by her taunting Aaron about the tapes) and that's what got her killed.



I'm glad you grew to like Veronica. I get the part about her supernatural abilities ahah, but I think it was cool to show her more closed off side so to speak. I love that a teenager, while it is the ~thing, really did start out that cynical and kind of did remain so. I think her mistrust opens a lot of doors for some legit weird relationship things ironically.

I'm glad you like her, period. :)


waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 08:54:25 UTC
I think her mistrust opens a lot of doors for some legit weird relationship things ironically. Me tooooo! Now I've just gotta keep my fingers crossed that they 'go there' in the next season!

I love that a teenager, while it is the ~thing, really did start out that cynical and kind of did remain so. But I don't think she DID start out cynical. At least, not if we're meant to take the things we get in the flashbacks as 'the beginning' because I do (and maybe that's why we're thinking different things here, because maybe you don't?). I think Veronica, while not as idealistic and carefree as Lilly, was definitely still 'up there'. Circumstances changed her (understandably), but I personally don't think she started out like that.


bellonablack July 29 2013, 09:01:55 UTC
oh no, I meant from the show starting, not her actual character, but I enjoyed the show starting out that way. So yeah that would be the reason why we are thinking differently at the moment. I just liked how it started. I actually wasn't thinking on it, for some reason lol.

But I will say, she didn't start out that way, but I think even her idealism had a sort of...reason for it.

Both Logan and Veronica have me mistrustful on this point, but yeah. We are supposed to see her transformation story, so she did change. But I think she had the roots of it in her, for reasons.


waltzmatildah July 29 2013, 09:15:34 UTC
oh no, I meant from the show starting, not her actual character AH HA! I was re-reading before I hit send on my initial reply and thought to myself, HANG ON A SECOND. That's when I edited in the parentheses.

I have so much to do tonight but I really wanna go find a stream of the season two premiere!! Haha! I think I've officially been 'sucked in'. Actually, what I really want to do is go and read some fic, but I'm still too wary of spoilers so I'm going to refrain.


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