[grey's anatomy] fic | Too Slow Now

Jun 23, 2013 21:57

Title | Too Slow Now
Fandom | Grey’s Anatomy
Characters | Izzie, Izzie/Alex
Word Count | 1150
Rating | PG-13
Warning | Character death
Summary | An AU following the end of episode 6.05, ‘Invasion’. She scrunches the scrap of paper deep into her fist; lets the folded corners bruise her palm as he walks passed her without word, just the trail of his ( Read more... )

character: ga: izzie, fic: one shot, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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Comments 12

mrsfjl66 June 23 2013, 18:05:10 UTC
Are you tryna kill me?! GUH. So beautiful. Izzzzzzzzzzzzzie.


waltzmatildah June 24 2013, 03:45:49 UTC
Thank you!


Also, I just started watching Roswell. I see crossovers in my future!


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waltzmatildah June 24 2013, 03:46:25 UTC


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waltzmatildah June 24 2013, 03:52:42 UTC
Thank you! AND I REALLY AM SORRY, OKAY?! I'll bring him back to life in my next offering, I PROMISE!

of course OF COURSE Alex dies in the end. They were always so close and so far away. EXACTLY!!! THIS! I knew you'd get it because you're you and they're Alex/Izzie and just, yes. This.

I feel like so many of the people who bashed/continue to bash Izzie simply didn't GET her character. And while I understand the frustration that came about due to the way Katie left the show, I actually think (while horrible and painful and heart-breaking) Izzie's reactions at the start of season six made total sense in the context of what she was going through. I JUST REALLY WANTED TO BE ABLE TO FOLLOW THE FALL OUT FROM THOSE REACTIONS. That's MY main issue. Not WHAT HAPPENED, but the utter lack of WHAT HAPPENED NEXT.

Anyway, I know I'm totally preaching to the choir right here so, I'll stop.

Now I'll go bring Alex back to life, just for you :) I am writing a 'ten years into the future they meet again' fic for a prompt. SHALL THAT SUFFICE FOR


slybrunette June 24 2013, 06:14:19 UTC
This hurts a gross amount for someone who's been pretending not to care about this show and these characters for several years now. I didn't know I still had these feelings. I don't know what to do with them anymore.

Ugh, but seriously, how freaking poetic. She stays, and he dies. They can't get their happy ending no matter which universe or timeline they're in. As time goes on, I feel like that's almost fitting.

Beautiful work! I've missed your writing (and you!).

(Sidenote: that video, dude. i can't watch that thing without a feelings attack, much like this fic)


waltzmatildah June 24 2013, 07:30:32 UTC
Firstly, HELLO!!! How are you?! I hope you're awesome!

Secondly, I didn't know I still had these feelings. I don't know what to do with them anymore. To be perfectly honest with you, this is exactly how this fic came about. I was bumming around on youtube and stumbled across that video and, I mean, I'd seen it before, plenty of times, but, for some reason, the other day when I watched it just killed me. And I knew it wouldn't go away until I wrote ~something.

This is it! Haha!

She stays, and he dies. They can't get their happy ending no matter which universe or timeline they're in. THIS. This really is their tragedy. And, at first, I hadn't planned to kill Alex, but then, the more I wrote, the more I realised it was the only way... which, well, is a pretty freaking sad indictment on what became of this ship ( ... )


bleodswean June 24 2013, 15:06:31 UTC
I really love this - commented over at Ao3!


waltzmatildah June 26 2013, 10:52:21 UTC
Oh, that was you!! THANK YOU SO MUCH (again!).


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