Dear Shonda,
I know the two of us haven’t really been on speaking terms for some time now. And, to be quite honest, this letter is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to pen. But I’m determined to do it. For Izzie, for George, for Addison; I am determined to get through it.
So, firstly, hi! How have you been? I’ve been better but I don’t want to complain too much because the sun is shining, my hot neighbour is out in his garden mowing the lawn and I can see him from where I sit (but he can’t see me!), and there’s a new episode of Homeland waiting for me to watch, so, the fact that I am an ~actual snot machine at the moment aside, I guess things could be worse!
And now that we’ve got the pleasantries out of the way,
Firstly, thank you for basically ruining my life. And, despite appearances, I do mean that in the best kind of way. Grey’s Anatomy, especially in the early season, did something to me. That crazy combination of Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie and Cristina fundamentally altered my very essence. And I will never regret it. Actually, I take that back, if I never actually manage to hand my doctoral thesis in because I spend too much time reading/writing fanfic, then I may regret it, but even then… doubtful.
But can we please discuss the situation is that Izzie Stevens? And I say is as in, present tense, because yes. IS. This is still something that I have yet to come to terms with, and, don’t get me wrong, I am most definitely not alone in my despair here. You do know that Katherine Heigl has stated on several occasions that she’d consider coming back, right? I mean, that can’t be a piece of information that has slipped past your awareness unnoticed. I can provide links to comments if necessary, just to reiterate my point. She wants to come back. Maybe not for good. Maybe just for an episode or two. BUT SHE WANTS TO COME BACK. And oh, DEAR THE GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN, I want her to come back, too.
Truth be told, it is the single greatest thing I have wanted in my life since Alex told her to “leave and never come back”. We all know he didn’t mean it, Shonda. Alex has Issues [note the capital I?]. Plus, he and I are, you know, like this… I am uniquely qualified to inform you that he absolutely and completely DID. NOT. MEAN. IT. Not to mention the fact that she and Meredith and Cristina have unfinished business. Unfinished business that may or may not include experimental orgies and lots and LOTS of tequila. There is also that.
So, NUMBER ONE: Please bring back Izzie.
Moving on. George O’Malley. I get that he’s dead. And that death is a little harder to undo than the Izzie Situation [though, let’s be real, it’s not like that’s a challenge you’ve shied away from in the past]. But, can we please be treating him with a little more respect? George was an ~excellent surgeon. He was loyal friend. A loving son. HE WAS GOING TO BE A TRAUMA DOC IN THE ARMY. And he was going to rock. Do you remember all of this? Do you remember that time he was “the heart in the elevator” guy? Do you remember that time he handheld Dr Bailey through the birth of Tucker Junior? Do you remember any of it? Because, frankly, I found the rumours of your treatment of him in the Alt Universe episode to be disgusting. And offensive. Please to be rectifying that, stat. That is officially NUMBER TWO.
And finally, NUMBER THREE. I’ve been informed by reliable sources [ie: Tumblr] that Private Practice is coming to an end. I have no real opinion on this matter as it’s not a show I have ever really watched. HOWEVER, I would like to point out that this seems like a prime opportunity to return Addison Forbes Montgomery Shepherd to her rightful home; Seattle. That she wasn’t there for Mark’s death seems like a major oversight on your part to me and, because I KNOW that you simply can’t believe Addison would actually miss such an event, I’m choosing to believe that she WAS there, off-screen, possibly behind the glass and holding hands with Izzie Stevens at the time. So, I’m giving you a pass on this one because, I figure, I do you a favour, you do one for me. This arrangement could be mutually beneficial, don’t you think?
And, as an aside, I do think that Addison should pack Amelia Shepherd up and drag her to Seattle with her. If, for whatever reason I can’t even POSSIBLY begin to imagine, you decide against re-calling Katherine Heigl to play Izzie, then I also urge you to seriously consider the delicious dysfunction that could be Alex/Amelia. I can point you in the direction of some fanfic [and not all of it mine either!] that would give you some suggested starting points for that relationship that I would not object to in the slightest. Just, FYI.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that your show has changed my life. It has brought me into contact with some of my dearest friends; people I know will still BE my dearest friends many years from now. People I have travelled to the other side of the GLOBE to meet in person. So, for that, I thank you, sincerely and from the very bottom of my heart.
If you could just be addressing the issues outlined above, I know we’ll continue to get along famously!
Yours truly,
PS. If you just so happened to include Jesse Williams’ phone number in your reply to this heartfelt plea, I would not be disappointed. Just, you know, if you so happened to…
PPS. Next time you have one of those moments where you go, “OMFG, WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!” I urge you to think about it hard before going into production. Because [hint], it’s probably not. Alternatively, you could always run it by me first. I’d be more than willing to offer my beta-reading services to you in exchange for Jesse Williams’ phone number a small fee.
In other news: this.
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