[tvd] fic | We Walk Around In Circles, Starry Eyed (ensemble au)

May 13, 2012 23:29

Title | We Walk Around In Circles, Starry Eyed
Fandom | The Vampire Diaries
Characters | Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler, mentions of Katherine and Klaus
Word Count | 2000
Rating | MA
Prompt | for a_white_rain, Stefan produces a girl band with Elena, Bonnie and Caroline, Jeremy and Matt make sure they are on ontd all the time, and ( Read more... )

character: tvd: jeremy, character: tvd: damon, character: tvd: katherine, fic: au, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena, character: tvd: matt, character: tvd: klaus, character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: bonnie, character: tvd: tyler, fic: one shot, character: tvd: caroline

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Comments 33

swirlsofblue May 13 2012, 14:46:11 UTC
I usually dislike AU's where people are in bands. But this is genius awesome :D.

Love stalker!Klaus, and Bonnie's attitude, and Caroline, and Stefan with all the wannabes because of Katherine.


waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 01:44:32 UTC
I usually don't read complete AUs at all, let alone write them. I'm still not 100% sure where this even came from!!

Having said that, I'm super glad that it worked for you!! Thank you so much for reading.


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waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 01:45:05 UTC
Heeeee! Still not sure where this fic even came from, tbqh!



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waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 01:45:47 UTC
Hahaha! Good old stalker Klaus references. They will never get old!

Thank you for reading, bb! And I look forward to any other thoughts you might have :)


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waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 02:31:01 UTC
I have a number of issues with this show, as you well know!! But that will forever be top of the list.

Also, thank you for my gift!!! I don't have this in my profile but it's my birthday today (true story!!) so, perfect timing is perfect!! And, I love you, too!!


a_white_rain May 13 2012, 22:17:43 UTC
I don't have time to read this tonight but I totally will asap <3


waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 01:46:06 UTC
No problemo!


a_white_rain May 14 2012, 17:12:43 UTC
I read it. I liked the Bonnie stuff. Thanks for the fill!


fluffyfrolicker May 13 2012, 22:57:44 UTC
Honestly, when I first saw this prompt I thought maybe someone would write some funny funny crackfic from it, but THIS IS AMAZING. The characterization, and the interactions, and how you managed to get so many characters into the story. I LOVE IT :)


waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 01:47:32 UTC
To be honest, my INTENTION was the write the exact type of fic that you thought you were gonna get!! Hilarious crack. Only... this happened! I'm still not sure how!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! I'm so glad it still worked, despite the lack of proper crack.


fluffyfrolicker May 14 2012, 10:56:32 UTC
Oh but what you managed there was just SOOO MUCH better than what I thought I was going to get :) So, great job :)


waltzmatildah May 14 2012, 11:58:14 UTC
Well, thank you HEAPS!! I'm really glad you liked it. The more I read it, the more I'm glad (as opposed to nervous!) that I wrote it also :)


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