[tvd] fic | This Ghost Train (Stefan)

Feb 17, 2012 14:08

Title: This Ghost Train
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Stefan (/Elena. Also, Katherine, Damon, Klaus)
Word Count: 400
Rating: PG-13
♥: For scorpiod1 at a softer meme. I never meant to hurt you, you have to believe me. I wasn’t thinking about you at all…
Author’s Note: Beta thanks to catteo

Stefan is not thinking about Elena... )

character: tvd: klaus, character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: damon, character: tvd: katherine, fic: one shot, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena

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Comments 28

catteo February 17 2012, 03:40:40 UTC
God, I love this WHOLE THING so very much. Having now re-read it SEVERAL times, I think that this

The heady illusion of control dances at his fingertips. The finest of balancing acts between unlikely success and unimaginable defeat.

A battle of wills…

(A dance with the Devil himself.) is my favourite part. I LOVE the dance with the Devil imagery. It's the total best.

Just everything about this says all that needs to be said about Stefan and his current state of mind. I cannot believe what stans we have turned into. Let's hope tonight doesn't ruin it!


waltzmatildah February 17 2012, 04:22:31 UTC
I AM SOOOO PLEASED YOU SINGLED OUT THAT BIT!! It is the last bit I wrote and it took me SO FREAKING long to come up with something that I was happy with there...

I'd written all of the fic save for that part last night and in the end I had to stop looking at it and come back to it this morning because I hated everything that I came up with.

So, YAY for patience!


catteo February 20 2012, 10:36:20 UTC
I have days like that with fic too. I basically write something and then 10 minutes later I realise that I loathe it and I go back a delete the whole lot. It is MOST frustrating.

Having said that, this is a prime example of why it's good to take a break and then go back to it. Because it's basically AMAZING! Patience is a virtue after all!


nereemac February 17 2012, 06:04:05 UTC
The night he gets down on his knees, literally, metaphorically, and begs Klaus to save his brother, please, please, oh please...oh…, Stefan is not thinking about Elena.

The bone-numbing terror that Damon might already be dead is countered only by the desperate notion that if he were, then he would know.

An instinctive kind of grief.

(It would devour him whole.)

Argh, that bit gave me ouchy heart pains.

To be honest, the whole thing kind of did. IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE.

This is ace.


waltzmatildah February 17 2012, 07:13:28 UTC
Thank you, thank you!

I've REALLY been wanting to write Stefan fic since I fell in love with the season three version of him! It's probably lucky I got this out before the apparent re-emergence of his Elena!fog!

Anyway, basically Damon/Stefan >>>>>>>>>> everything else. WOOOT!



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waltzmatildah February 17 2012, 11:56:13 UTC



x5vale February 17 2012, 12:36:48 UTC
It's official. I not only love your Damon. I also love your Stefan. Much more than the canon one right now.


waltzmatildah February 17 2012, 13:10:30 UTC
Heee. Thank you! It's taken until this point for me to feel like I understand Stefan enough to actually write from his point of view with any degree of comfort. I AM SO PLEASED THAT YOU LIKED THIS!

I've been enjoying the new!Stefan A LOT. But I fear the dreaded Elena!fog has returned for him. Which is not something I was wanting. Though, I don't think it will be as bad as before... or as bad as Damon had it. At least, I HOPE NOT :)

And now we have to wait a month for new stuff? Poo.


x5vale February 17 2012, 13:13:38 UTC
Oh I have enoyed the new Stefan a lot too, it's this old/new Stefan with the characterization all over the place (IMHO) that I am baffled about.

Let's wait and see.


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waltzmatildah February 17 2012, 13:11:19 UTC

And that's lucky because I am addicted to writing it!

There's plenty more where this came from :)


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