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Comments 51

catteo February 10 2012, 07:58:20 UTC
I have not even read this yet cause I only just got home and it JUST finished downloading and I am about to watch it. But if you enjoyed it then I will either hate it or LOVE it. And if Rebekah is even in it than I'm going with LOVE.



waltzmatildah February 10 2012, 09:07:37 UTC



catteo February 10 2012, 10:56:16 UTC
OMG ME NEITHER!!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE NOT FRIENDS ANY MORE (Whatever, that's a total lie. I know you love me like Rebekah loves family). I WILL EMAIL. HOTMAIL IS NOT BROKEN, SURELY.


catteo February 10 2012, 08:49:07 UTC
OMG! You do remember that time I wrote fic where Damon and Rebekah got it on and it's basically my second favourite after Damon/Kat. I spent the last 2 minutes of the episode with my arms in the air ACTUALLY FLAILING. WHY IS THERE NO MENTION OF THE FLAILING. I basically ignored much of the episode. Other than dress=pretty, Stefan=uh-oh getting dull again and Klaus/Caroline=why do I ship it? There were about a billion things that I really could have cared less about but apparently Rebekah and Damon are going to be getting hot and heavy on my TV and everyone else can bugger off. WOOOOO HOOOO!

Except Kat, cause threesomes....


waltzmatildah February 10 2012, 09:09:54 UTC
I DO!!!!!! (the only thing that kinda made me a little wtf about the two of them was the very odd faces that Claire Holt was pulling! WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?!)

I basically ignored most of the episode also! WOOOHOOOOO! I THINK THAT'S WHY I LIKED IT!!! I mean, I really just don't care anymore. I don't care about Damon/Elena. I don't care about Klaus/Caroline. I don't care about Elena in general. I don't care about Esther and that whole thing. I don't care about Kol and Finn. I FEEL FREEEEEEEE!!!

I do care about Rebekah and she was fabulous!! I also care about Katherine. WHERE IS KATHERINE?!!! JESUS.


catteo February 10 2012, 11:00:19 UTC
She's in the corner holding up scorecards. Damon/Rebekah 10/10. Damon's faces 11/10. Rebekah faces WORRYING?! I TOTALLY AGREE. There was actual OMGWTFNESS happening there. But then again, she's been in a coffin for 90 years. BIT OF A DRY SPELL. It's probably shocking.

PS. I was EXCITED with the intro of Kat voice AND THEY LET ME DOWN AS USUAL. She'll be back before the end of the season though I AM SURE.


waltzmatildah February 11 2012, 08:46:29 UTC
BIT OF A DRY SPELL. So, this made me snort is a most unattractive way. BUT PROBABLY TRUE!!

She'll be back before the end of the season though I AM SURE. OMG, I had not considered the possibility that she wouldn't be and now I'm all... THEY WOULDN'T DARE! WOULD THEY???!!


catteo February 10 2012, 08:54:50 UTC

(with Josh Pyke?)

Stefan was still hot today though. I just fear the fog embracing him. Although D/S/E. So much more interesting...

PS. Payback spam! Sorry.


waltzmatildah February 10 2012, 09:11:58 UTC
I think it's at... BUT WITH WORKS FOR ME!

Stefan was still hot. And I actually like him just on the outskirts of the Elena!fog. I mean, he basically recognises that it's a THING like we do!! And that he needs to STAY AWAY FROM THE FOG! NO MATTER THE COST! YAY FOG!AWARE STEFAN!

SPAM AWAY! I'm just finishing watching Grey's... it's... okay?


catteo February 10 2012, 10:57:39 UTC
FOG!AWARE Stefan. It's the new black. After last week's debacle I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. Are the Jezabels there this week? Would make it worth my while...


waltzmatildah February 11 2012, 08:49:28 UTC
Did you end up caving and watching Grey's? I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED BY THE END IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. So much potential and it all just kinda fizzed out?

Argh... I just wrote a massive episode spoiler in that and almost sent it!! Just caught myself in time!! Let me know if you've seen it/have any intention of seeing it and I'll share!


(The comment has been removed)

waltzmatildah February 11 2012, 08:53:34 UTC
I also loved having seasonone!Damon back!! He is the best version of Damon as far as I'm concerned! Alas, I fear he won't last :(

I'm not a fan of Klaus/Caroline personally, but I do understand why there is such wide spread appeal for them. THAT HORSE DRAWING MADE ME LAUGH 'TIL I CRIED BECAUSE... OMG!!! WHAT EVEN WAS THAT?!!! It is the WORST ret-con of a bad!ass character in the history of ret-cons!! WHY THE EFFING EF WAS KATHERINE SO TERRIFIED OF THIS GUY?!!

Elena herself doesn't really piss me off, the way the writers are so blindly oblivious to her characterisation is what drives me to distraction. I JUST WANT THEM TO EMBRACE ALL THE MURKY WATER THAT SHE IS AND LET HER REVEL IN IT, instead of keeping her stuck up on her effing pedestal where everyone loves her or wants to save her or tell her how fabulous and selfless she is. IT IS GETTING OLLLLLLDDDD.

And as for Katherine. I can not even....


brightstarmara February 10 2012, 11:48:11 UTC
*mostly because I basically tuned all the parts Elena was in out, which I have discovered helps immensely with the tolerability factor of most of the storylines on this show. THis made me giggle :) Maybe I cheered when Bex told Elena that the world doesn't revolve around her. Except that in tvd it does, but hey.

We get Damon back! Jippie! Elena doesn't need him anymore because Stefan is talking to her and looking at her so now he's back to tossing people off of balconies!

I cannot with Stefan. How did he EVER let Elena make her own choices? Why is the word let even in there? What does that mean; that he is her keeper but is allowing her to do things? OMG! Isn't part of letting somebody make her own choice to give them the info they need? LIKE THAT THEY LOOK THE SAME AS YOUR EX? This show and their lluuurrrvvvee stories. I needs ma bukkit ( ... )


waltzmatildah February 11 2012, 08:57:55 UTC
I'm kinda nervous about how long we'll actually have this Damon back for though... catteo and I talk about the 'Elena!fog'. It's where Elena's all encompassing AWESOME starts to fog the other character's ability to HAVE A PERSONALITY OF THEIR OWN. Damon has caught it big time unfortunately.

I completely agree with you re. the use of the term 'let'. It's degrading in about 14 different ways.

Damon and Bex... idc what anybody says. Vamp sex is hot. And these two should continue to have ALL the vamp sex! I mean, it's not like anyone else is getting any! Tyler's skipped out on Caroline (and I refuse to believe she'd sleep with Klaus), Stefan is too busy not feeling and being emo!awesome (I kinda love him at the moment because he's actually developed a level of self-awareness that NONE of the other characters have even come close to achieving), Elijah and Klaus aren't... It's up to Damon and Bex to fly the flag!!

Though, no doubt Katherine is out there somewhere having PLENTY of hot vamp sex... only it's happening off-screen. Which is VERY


brightstarmara February 11 2012, 17:57:35 UTC
I;m over Elena and Stefan... I keep trying to figure both of those characters out, but then the show happens.

I've seen more people wonder why there are double standards though; one for Damon, one for Steffy. I like that.

History does teach us that eventually the Elena!fog gets everybody. And that is grating on my last nerve.

Kat better be back and if they DO start killing Elijah again.... the promo made it look like they are just re using old story lines....


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