[tvd/ga] advent fic | I Can Show You The World (Katherine/Cristina/Meredith/Alex)

Dec 13, 2011 19:49

Title: I Can Show You The World
Fandom/s: The Vampire Diaries/Grey's Anatomy
Characters: Katherine(/Meredith/Cristina + Alex)
Word Count: 750
Rating: R (sex)
♥: For ovariesofsteel So, Alex wormed his way into this, too! I didn't think you'd mind. Also, oh my goodness, I'm not really sure where it came from, tbh! It's a little... left-field! I HOPE YOU LOVE IT!!
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real life: christmas, character: tvd: katherine, fic: crossover, television: the vampire diaries, character: ga: alex, ovariesofsteel: deserves a tag, character: ga: cristina, fic: prompt me, character: ga: meredith, fic: one shot, television: grey's anatomy, happy: new year

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Comments 14

pleasebekidding December 13 2011, 09:14:53 UTC
That was AWESOME. I think I enjoyed it as much as Katherine did.

But probably not as much as Alex did...


waltzmatildah December 13 2011, 09:41:18 UTC
Hee, thank you!! In my head, Alex has this kind of detached, bored look on his face that is hiding his actual "OMGWTFIZDED" reactions...!

ovariesofsteel has long since lamented my inability to write smut, so I was kinda hoping to turn it up a notch for her here (even though the subject matter possesses only a side-ways reference to Christmas! Oops!). It's still mostly implied... I typed the word clitoris at one point and then hastily deleted it again!, but I'm hoping it's a step in the right direction!

Anyway, now that my reply comment is almost longer than the fic itself, THANK YOU! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!


catteo December 13 2011, 12:30:59 UTC
*fans self*

Lady, that was HOT. I LOVE the way that there are no names anywhere. That is my FAVOURITE of favourite things. I think you have to have real skill to pull it off without losing the thread of where the story is going and who it's about. And you did it PERFECTLY. And everything was visceral and gorgeous. And I would not say no to this situation is all I am saying. Also, KATHERINE. So dead inside. I just want her to be HAPPY.



waltzmatildah December 13 2011, 12:53:04 UTC
I AM SO GLAD YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS KINDA HOT! I am such a prude when it comes to writing and I am trying hard not to be!.

And I am also a fan of no names anywhere. Especially in shortish fics. And in this, I really wanted the idea of the Mer/Cris(/Alex) friendship to be what Katherine was so desperate for, as opposed to the characters themselves, if that makes any sense. So the non-use of names was a deliberate ploy to de-personalise them. I'm glad you think it worked because I know it can get tricky when there are so many people in the fic.

I JUST WANT HER TO BE HAPPY, TOO! And if she has to go to Seattle and drink booze with M/C/A then so be it!

(this was another one of those Katherine makes everything better scenarios!)



ovariesofsteel December 13 2011, 15:09:20 UTC
Katherine and I share a confusion regarding Eggnog.

I love that she longs for a fleeting beat when it is those beats that it is in her nature to steal. Seriously. LOVE.


Awake in a way that had failed her for centuries ♥

Voyeur!Alex = win.

I loved this.

I love the implications of smut without the explicitness. It's how I prefer to try writing it myself although you can't tell lately. Took me forever to use the proper terminology without thinking I'd done a terrible job.

I think Katherine/Alex need to make more appearances in both of our journals. *nods* Yep.

LOVED IT! Thank you :O)


waltzmatildah December 14 2011, 10:07:11 UTC
Eggnog confuses me too!!

I am so glad that you liked this! I seriously started and scrapped three different versions before I was happy with this, so I am glad that I perservered.

Voyeur!Alex TOTALLY wrote himself into this!

And I agree so hard that Katherine/Alex NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

(also, implied smut FTW! WOOT!)


ovariesofsteel December 26 2011, 16:34:44 UTC
I thought it absolutely mandatory to tell you I had eggnog cheesecake and it was FABULOUS.

But I still can't drink the stuff.

That is all.


waltzmatildah December 27 2011, 00:28:46 UTC
Oooh, I have never had the pleasure of trying that! Eggnog actually really isn't a 'thing' over here tbh. So I think the only way to rectify this is to spend next christmas at your house. *nods*

(also, I am having this weird NEEEEED to write Alex/Addison/Meredith part two. it is all I can think about despite the fact that I'm about 17 years behind on my advent fics...!)


javiera December 19 2011, 16:17:21 UTC
The brooding stranger watches from the shadows. A knowing look that hints at having seen it all before settled firmly into place, and she wonders, briefly, whether perhaps he has. His pulse pounds lazily in his chest. A slightly off-tempo rhythm that provides the haunting soundtrack to their macabre show.

That's probably my favorite part, but I loved it all. It's amazing. fantastic flow and wording and for all of this to come out of holiday sentimentality? it just makes it even more fucked up and great!


waltzmatildah December 20 2011, 06:04:06 UTC
Oooh, thank you!! I'm glad you liked this!!! It was a bit left-field like I mentioned but I quite like how it turned out!!

And yeah, holiday sentimentality! Not too sure what this says about me! Haha!!!

(ps. obvs. I am running really behind on these, but I have not forgotten about them!! Mick/Billie is coming! Promise!)


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