Is it weird (and undermining the whole process?) to want to go through and anonymously comment on all the Love Meme entries that so far remain comment free, whether I know the person or not? BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO DO THAT.
Also, is this weird, too? I feel really sad for all the beautiful, beautiful, heart-felt comments that have been carefully slaved over and then misplaced (ie. posted to the overall entry and not to the specific thread). I want to go through and give them all a LOVING HOME! The idea that the intended recipient will never see them makes me all WOE :(
Also, also. FLIST? MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL! UN-ANONYMOUS, OUT THERE, PUBLIC, SEXYTIEMS LOVE FOR YOU ALL!! You all mean the WORLD to me, and I have no idea where I'd be without you... True story.