[music] meme | "bartender, fill my glass with the wine you gave Jesus..."

Nov 20, 2011 13:44

A meme to start the day (even though the day is, in actual fact, more than half over...). WHATEVER!! It's music o'clock, peeps!

(stolen from thatandall)

1. Open up your music player. Hit shuffle ( Read more... )

real life: fail, real life: the sky is falling, meme: meme, real life: that is all

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Comments 52

fiddlings November 20 2011, 04:24:10 UTC
Funnily enough, I started this meme yesterday and didn't finish it. I should do that now. I love these so much.

02. JKFLDS. THIS IS MISSY HIGGINS. I cannot for the life of me think of which one, though. OH, OH. The Sound of White.
08. Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine
26. Crushcrushcrush - Paramore
30. One - U2

/is randomly stalking your journal. Hope you're okay with that, LOL.


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 04:30:32 UTC
Oooh, yes! FINISH IT! It is fun!

And, you are CORRECT! On all four counts!! WOOT! THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!

/randomly stalk away! This is a stalk welcome zone!


fiddlings November 20 2011, 04:36:44 UTC
Finishing now!

:D :D :D I wasn't sure about "One," so that's exciting.

Yay! I will stalk to my heart's content, then. ;)


dante_kent November 20 2011, 05:02:23 UTC
I know almost none of these because I am hardly music-educated, but I HAD to identify #4, because it's the Killers, and I adore them. So:

#4. Read My Mind by the Killers.
#8. The Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine.

That's all I've got. But what great ones they are.


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:17:19 UTC
You are correct! And I've decided 'to hell with the meme rules' and I've gone and declared to the world which ones you knew!


dante_kent November 20 2011, 05:46:59 UTC
Huzzah! I am more than thrilled to have any sort of claim to a Killers song. This is a great moment for me.

OH and also. Today I literally braided a part of my hair and put it up a la Rebekah, and I feel like you're the only one who will understand my absurd need to do this. I have problems, and yet, I regret nothing.


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:49:52 UTC
Today I literally braided a part of my hair and put it up a la Rebekah Um, I LOVE YOU!!!!

This news has made my day!!!

I may yet copy you/her...


blood_red_alibi November 20 2011, 05:23:48 UTC
Ohh, fifteen is Holiday by Green Day. Love it!


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:25:36 UTC


blood_red_alibi November 20 2011, 05:33:05 UTC
Yay! I was going to lay claim to 27 too, but got beat to it, lol.


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:39:41 UTC
No, no! You can claim that one too! THERE IS LOTS OF MULTI CLAIMING GOING ON!

eta: Were you gonna say Jimi or Dave Matthews as the artist?! coz you might be able to get bonus points, Haha!


mrsfjl66 November 20 2011, 05:24:45 UTC
14. Crash (Into Me) DMB
27. All Along the Watchtower, Written by Bob Dylan but popularized by Jimi Hendrix.

I'm sorry you got cut and rained on. All I can picture right now is Izzie in the rain suturing that girl's head beside a dumpster.


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:27:30 UTC
Written by Bob Dylan but popularized by Jimi Hendrix. And the version I have is actually the DMB one!! Haha!

I am also sorry about both of those things. BUT, that they gave you Izzie thinky thoughts? WELL? MY WORK HERE IS DONE!


mrsfjl66 November 20 2011, 06:18:34 UTC
I kind of forever associate you with Izzie so it's not a huge leap? But also, I love Izzie a helluva a lot. Actually it's very difficult for me to appropriately rank MAGIC in my head. Like, for me I guess it's spelled MCGIA, and some times CMGIA. But that doesn't even factor in Addison and my incredible love for Izzie and Alex as a unit as well as George and Meredith in their friendly best (the elevator scene is still my fave--you be Cristina for me and I'll be Izzie for you) and obvs Mere and Cristina are the undefeated champions of platonic love.

What I'm saying is Mammoth is once again not here. I even mentioned Addison this time.


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 06:27:33 UTC
Pretty much everything that you said (including the part about Mammoths!). I mean, the five of them? Too glorious in their own rights to really be compared. So DIFFERENT. But, also, very alike at times. And I'd also struggle to rank them. If I had to (OH DEAR GOD, it's like choosing between your CHILDREN!) then, maybe, IAGCM? But then, like, in "Into You Like A Train" with Meredith and the banana bag and Alex and his mojo? Then it's totally MAIGC. But then, when Izzie and George are simply being BEST FRIENDS it's different again. And really, it'll always just be about the five of them in their varying combinations... (sorry Addie...).


catteo November 20 2011, 05:25:01 UTC
I feel odd doing something that is not TV related. Maybe I should also do this meme and get a sens of perspective in my life once again!

2 - Missy Higgins The Sound of White
8 - Florence & the Machine Dog Days are Over
9 - Kings of Leon Radioactive
11 - Kings of Leon, but I can't remember the name of the song. FAIL.
14 - Dave Matthews Band Crash Into Me (incidentally the only one of their songs that I actually like)
21 - Counting Crows Round Here
27 - Jimi Hendrix All Along the Watchtower
29 - Crowded House Don't Dream It's Over (kiwi classic!)
30 - U2 One


waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:29:25 UTC
OOOH! You win all the prizes at the moment! I am impressed!!

Eleven is Manhattan, btw!

(incidentally the only one of their songs that I actually like WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP!

And the AATWT version I have is the DMB one! Haha! JUST TO PLEASE YOU EVEN MORE!


catteo November 20 2011, 05:35:39 UTC
This soap tastes pretty gross btw.

No, I want to LOVE DMB, but I think maybe they're just too cool for me. That is the theory that I'm going with. I used to have 3 of their albums on itunes but then I binned everything except Crash. Which I DO love.



waltzmatildah November 20 2011, 05:48:16 UTC
My favourite DMB songs alternate but are generally the darker ones...

Grave Digger
The Maker
Don't Drink The Water
Grace Is Gone

Though, I do also love Cornbread with the power of a thousand suns and it makes me want to dance in a RIDICULOUS way...

Also, re. Crowded House being a Kiwi band... Crowded House are a rock band, formed in Melbourne, Australia... FYI! The Finn brothers are Kiwis, but Crowded House is definitely an Aussie band (and we'll fight to the DEATH to keep them!).


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