Bastet, What's UP with the Dogs...???

Feb 15, 2008 23:42


Why are the Dog Gods doing this??????
Or is it just Bastet having a Good Laugh?
Why is it not the adorable snuggly brilliant Papillon that I want?
Oh no - it's the Basset, the Cattle Dog... the kinds I'm not, well, drawn to.

In December it was the Basset Hound, found starved, ribs showing, sweet as can be. He's found a great home with our friends and is almost done being treated for his heartworms. He's found his Forever Home. He was easy. My dogs got along well with him - he was so mild-mannered. Lifted the leg in the house too many times. But sweet. Very sweet. We even get to visit him.

Tonight it's the brindle Australian Cattle Dog.
Just *left* on the side of our road.
Left there.
Waiting... just waiting...

With a bright-orange dayglo collar on... (so you don't run him over?)
and a tangle of cable-lead with a leash-clip on each end... (in case you want to take him home and tie him up?)
2 empty styrofoam plates (must have been dinner)
and his "blankie" (which he was very possessive of - must go back tomorrow and get it for him.)
All fresh and bathed, even, if rather smelling of BPAL (kinda perfumey)

Neutered, intelligent, young, friendly... BUT.
There's always the BUT...
my dogs don't like him. (did you know they are cross-bred with Dingos?)
And he thinks my cats look like fun (That Dingo's got my Kitty!!  0_o)
Fast flying herding fun.

I just did a little reading... and yup - this is not a good match for me.
Kids, cats, other dogs: Niko, and Juno the Alpha-B*tch, and Cassanova Kitty (Dealer of Black Eyes)... nope.

Besides - I don't even have any cows.

So back to making all the required "Found This Dog" calls to the shelters in the area, etc...
And then finding a foster home or Forever Home for this guy...
And tracking down WHY there is a "Found, Australian Cattle Dog" ad in the local once-a-week rag. Seems a bit odd that there'd be TWO of 'em lost in this area...?

But then again, we do have cows around.

Cattle Dog, anyone?
(and Bastet...? Quit LAUGHING at me!!)


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