
Feb 05, 2009 13:12

Is it normal to begin typing something in this little box and then delete it, repeating ad infinitum? It's all I ever do on here! Once I've started, I tend to realize that I don't really have anything remotely earth-shattering to say - and then I remember that I like reading what others write about even if they think it's ordinary, so I try again... and delete again... it really is a depressingly vicious cycle. And yet, it lures me back time and time again, and then I get all brave and once more have the most amazing intentions of actually doing it. By the time I'm about to click 'post' though, every trace of heroism is gone. It's a sad state of affairs!

Last week was officially the first week of term 1, but because of the schmozzle with different schools and classes going back on who knows what day it turned out to be a relatively quiet week student-wise. This week, though, is another story! It's crazy - I've lost count of my students, but it's somewhere between 25-30 each week. And on top of that I'll have 2 groups with 8 kids in each at a local private school. Folks, I am officially gonna diiiiiiiiiie! I taught private lessons at the school all morning (starting at 7:55am, of all unearthly hours) on Tuesday, which turned out to be lots of fun despite my initial apprehension. I had to go to classrooms to collect and return kids, and on one such trip a boy of about 14 years old walked past and said, "Hello, Miss." !!! I looked around for "Miss" before being hit by the startling realization that he was talking to ME! That one is going to take some getting used to. :P It's all for a good cause though, namely: my ticket to New York. :D I have 6 lessons this afternoon and then I'm done for the week. Yay!

I feel so grown-up, organizing stuff like a superannuation fund, music teacher's insurance, and tax invoices. It's an exciting kind of scary. :)

Mum has beef stroganoff going in the crock-pot, and it already smells delicious... I lovelovelove the concept of crock-pot meals, but having to put up with the agonizing aroma all day leads me to cook them only if I'm going to be out all day. Actually, I think that's what crock-pots are for. I'm so smart - sometimes I just amaze myself with my smartness. :P

Well, that was all very random. Yay for random, I say!

Now to click that scary 'post' button... I think I can I think I can...

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