This was forwarded to me by someone on the Scrabble mailing list yesterday, but I'm rebroadcasting here for my poker-friends who have asked whatever happened with regards to "
Patrick Hodges, Thief". I knew the outcome last week, but didn't want to say anything until it became public knowledge.
Mr. Hodges is forbidden from playing in a sanctioned
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I have to think there's a good chance he won't return to tournament play at the end of this period; surely even he has a level of shame. (Plus, I doubt he wants to spend $500 for the privilege of returning and having his rating drop 150 points in a hurry.)
Tremendous graph, Jaygee. He certainly got a much tougher sentence than I anticipated. Kudos to the NSA for getting this one right.
I also do think it's highly likely he'll return. Never underestimate the gall of people who do this kind of thing...
He should be required to employ a designated tile-drawer, pending approval of the director. Forget this nonsense about the hat. It also won't stop him from palming blanks, New Orleans-style.
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