Jun 08, 2021 14:45
Man is defined as a rational animal. But very few people function at a rational level. This capacity for reason has given us Science and a technological society that has no equal in all of human history. The sad truth is that most people are NOT rational. Their entire cognitive framework and system of beliefs are based on nothing more than hysteria. These include beliefs like, the world is flat, vaccines are harmful, homosexuals prey on children, black men are uncivilized savages. Hysterical beliefs also include that US foreign policy is moral, just and good. Billionaires EARNED their wealth through merit. These beliefs are as foolish as believing that the lottery ticket in your pocket may allow you to retire. Hysterical beliefs are in fact very dangerous. If you believe that the 2020 election was STOLEN from Donald Trump and that resorting to any means to STEAL power back, you are an individual who is not capable of living in a civil society constrained by the rule of law and social contract.