Room 303, Monday morning

May 01, 2006 07:38

Walter was woken by the morning announcements, curled up in bed, still cuddling Pup like a teddy bear. At first thought was restricted to But I don't know the lyrics to "Ever the Same." It rapidly moved on to, Oh hell, Alfred's going to string me up by my tie! and I married Pippi AND Nadia?

With a few minutes of reflection, he had to admit that he'd had a huge amount of fun over the weekend. Sure, there were some embarrassing parts, but anyone who had witnessed those embarrassing parts had been wee, too. Except for Pip. Ah, hell.

He got out of bed to look up the lyrics for "Ever the Same" so he could go have a shower and get the glitter and frosting off himself. Just another weird day in Fandom.

weetiny wakeup

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