If I had only one tooth left, I would real good care of it. I'd cherish that thing. Not so for the mean woman I waited on the other night. The good thing is, when I have a table of douchebags being shitty towards me, usually some of my other tables see and start being really, overly nice to me, tons of pleases and thank yous and "whenever you get the time, no rush."
Sometimes at work, I get the urge to walk up to one of my tables and start talking to them in a weird voice, like
Old Gregg or
Brad Neely in Wizard People. Just to see what would happen. Like when it's busy, and a table is making me stand there forever while they talk to each other or are indecisive about what they want, and don't let me just come back in a minute, and an order's up at the grill and I can feel my other tables glaring at me, I always wanna pull an Old Gregg and look them dead in the eyes and say, "Make an assessment." I am a creep.
Cotton candy, and everything flavored to taste like it, is gross.
Pirates/Phillies game was nice. It's bizarre to me that anyone bothers to hate a team as bad as the Pirates at all, let alone enough to seriously give me shit about wearing their hat. "Fuck the Pirates!" "Man, I'm gonna keep followin you around. The Pirates aren't good enough to clean my bathroom.... on Christmas." Dude, relax, they aren't good enough to be a threat to anyone anyway.