Jul 22, 2004 00:23
So yeah tonight I had a good night. Then I went home. Me Alaina and Mark Mason went to go steal signs, and it was hideously unsuccessful. Then we got Derek and went to Dever, which was scary like woah but I'm super proud of myself. I didn't wet myself, scream, squeal, or run away. I did jump a few times, and imagine people walking around, but its totally cool. That place is freaky, but the occasional graffiti and evidence of other kids being there kinda ruins the scary illusion of hauntedness. The roof was cool though. Then we went to May East. Then I was the only one who had to be home, as usual, and as I pull in the driveway my mom calls me and I tell her I'm home. When I come in the house she tells my brother shes going to bed, picks up my dog, looks at me like I just like ate a baby, then went downstairs. Apparently I'm a shithead because I was 10 minutes late when she had told me when I left the house that she was going to bed at 9. I mean, I probably shouldn't assume that since shes in bed I can stroll in whenever I want, but she told me she was going to bed! She totally just did it to trap me. And last night I freaking came in an hour late and she was on the computer in my room and was nice when i came in but was mad that i wanted to go to bed because she was on the computer. I didn't even ask her to leave, I just got in my bed. Apparently its crazy to want to sleep at 1:30. Crazy me, wanted to sleep in my bed. I didn't even ask her to leave the room, i just tried to sleep. But obviously that was ungratefully bastardish of me.
OK, so most of that didn't make sense, but mostly I'm just mad cause my mom is crazy and I have a curfew that fluctuates like woah when I'll be in college in 43 days. WTF mate? The worst is gonna be when I come home from college next summer and I still have a curfew. She doesn't realize that that just provides me more reason to never want to live at home again.