Yeah, I know what you mean. J & K are my old friends, but lately N's been ignoring me, I don't know why... it's really... ugh, I just hate it. She's never been like that. Since the day before yesterday, she doesn't want to talk to me, she turns her face away when I talk, when I ask her a question she shrugs and looks away, she can smile and laugh around other people like she used to around me, I just don't understand! This week would've been great if it weren't for that. Otherwise it's been fine, yesterday I had a French Test, day before a pop quiz in business and today a math test. On Tuesday I have a geography test. fun fun. Last night I went to L's to practise some songs we're doing for the opening. She feels the same about N's behavior. She says to give her some space, until she's ready to tell me what's the matter. I've been appearing offline on MSN lately because as soon as I sign in, N changes her status to busy. Mom suggested that she talk to her mom, but I said no, that'll make things worse. She said for me to call her or confront her. I just feel horrible and... I don't know the other word, but it's rotten. Like one of my only mutual friends is now turning on me and I can't do much about it except patiently wait for confirmation of that statement. I'm really glad you're doing well in school. When are you next coming to visit?
This week would've been great if it weren't for that. Otherwise it's been fine, yesterday I had a French Test, day before a pop quiz in business and today a math test. On Tuesday I have a geography test. fun fun.
Last night I went to L's to practise some songs we're doing for the opening. She feels the same about N's behavior. She says to give her some space, until she's ready to tell me what's the matter. I've been appearing offline on MSN lately because as soon as I sign in, N changes her status to busy. Mom suggested that she talk to her mom, but I said no, that'll make things worse. She said for me to call her or confront her. I just feel horrible and... I don't know the other word, but it's rotten. Like one of my only mutual friends is now turning on me and I can't do much about it except patiently wait for confirmation of that statement.
I'm really glad you're doing well in school. When are you next coming to visit?
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