(no subject)

Dec 15, 2008 20:15

Hello hello! It's been a while. Damn internet connection.
Man, over the last week, I've realized how much I really use LJ. Almost every ten minutes I'll just log on and check stuff out, even if I saw it ten minutes ago.
I've sparked a new internest in The Who! They're very good, but I'm not that crazy about them...
Mama sold a painting, I've found out about Keith Moon's psychotic tendencies, but awesomeness.
It's kinda funny. People are either extremely mediocre, have something amazing things about them, but one bad thing which is REALLY bad.
Well, I guess it just evens out.
And I'm not going to pick up T on wednesday. :( I was hoping I would cuz I haven't seen her in a really really long time and I wanna miss wednesday because of the whole FSE thing- I just wanna get it over and done with.
And for out Health FSE, we have a godamn STD riddle thing.
I sting and burn, leave warts and make people not want to f*** you.
Anyways, my English FSE is over. Thank goodness. My lips are really dry, but I'm not that thirtsy, but I do have a thirst that's called curiosity.
Who the hell is the guy that Sebastien's always talking about, named Carson or something? According to sebastien. he loves me, but  when I ask Riley, he just laughs.
I trust Riley more. He's a really good guy.
Today was really fun- sitting in the front with A, MS, RF watching nightmare before christmas. They're alot of fun. A's really really cute, but he has a girl. DAMMIT why are the good ones gone?
Aw, SHOOT what am I gonna do about the Music Cafe on Wednesday? I'll prolly just improv on the bass...
Am I good enough for that?even so, I'll either learn it or have a respect for John Entwhistle and not butcher it.
Damn. Got a biology test tomorrow. I'm good at it... Well. We'll see about that.
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