May 18, 2005 12:42
Things I will not miss about Houston/Pearland:
3.Cops. Everywhere. Every time you look. And they always seem to be out to ruin my life. I never understood why it takes 2 or 3 cop cars to stop a 16 year old white girl in Pearland for speeding, yet my Dad has yet to be compensated the $500 he is owed to him by the repeat offender asswad that was CONVICTED of stealing our generator.
4.Pollution induced asthma attacks. I'm not joking. When we first moved it took me a while to adjust. My doctor said it was fairly common for people who are new to the area.
5.Coming back after having been gone for a few days to discover a new grocery store, neighborhood, restaurant, car delearship, and ethnic groop. All where a pasture used to be.
6.People. I don't care for them all that much anymore. At least not in big groups.
7.Neighbors. Good lord.
8.Spending 30 minutes driving 7 miles down 518. "Pearland: A Master Planned Community." My ass.
9.Trains cutting the town in half.
10.Living beside a fire station and hearing sirens 24/7.
11.Gay people.
12.Three, soon to be four, Wal-Marts within a 7 mile diameter.
13.Homeless people. Go mowe a yard. Put down the needle/bottle/crack pipe.
14.Not being able to shoot off my own damn fireworks on New Years and the 4th.
16.Assbags, Asshats, Assburns, Assweasels, Clown Shoes, Ass Clowns, and other such "brohams." Gimme a good ol' boy to hang with any day.
17.Threat of a terrorist attack. Working at THE hospital designated as a crisis center for an NBC attack drives this point home more than it would for most.
18.Mattress Mac, The Hilton Funtiture Guy, Marvin Zindler, Jim Attler, Quannell X (If that IS INDEED his real name), and any other Jack Ass frequently seen making a Penis of themselves on local TV.
19.The Dum-didi-Dum-didi-dum-dum-dump.
20.Air traffic over head at all times.
21.Galveston. It was cool for about 5 minutes, now it's just like, "Hey, there's a beach about thirty minutes away. But it sucks ass."
22."101.1; Latino & Proud!"
23.16-22 year olds driving cars that cost more than the first home I lived in.
24.Three words: Off Site Parking.
27.Paving. Concrete, assphalt, cement; Everything just looks so damn gray.
28.Rather than having 4 distinct seasons, this part of the state has 2, Hot-and-Humid, Not-so-hot-but-still-pretty-damn-humid-when-it's-not-raining-constantly-for-half-the-year.
29.Inability to see stars in the sky at night. That is the 1 thing I miss the most.
30.Not being able to hear the Coyotes at night, or the whippoorwills, or see a deer wander through your front yard early in the morning. I guess I never realized how much of a country boy I really was at heart until I had been here long enough to realize that I was out of element, and missed all the things that I had taken for granted before.