Closed and Ordered- GoJane Private Spree 1!

Mar 22, 2008 21:45

Mass mailing now =)

Please read ALL details below before participating in my spree!

1. Website that you are ordering from

2. When you will stop taking orders
Spree Cap: $99.99
I currently have $68 worth of orders on hand, I've reduced my orders from the initial $130. 
May order at 11pm cos the tops that I want have low stocks left!

I will still go ahead and order even if the response is low.

3. My email address:

4. 2 payments:
1st payment: (Total Price of Items in USD * Exchange Rate) + (Total Number of Items * SGD$3 for Initial International Shipping Fees) = SGD$ 
2nd payment: Top-ups for International Shipping Fees + Local Postage + SGD$0.50 for Packaging Materials = SGD$ (if any)

All payments to be made via DBS/POSB Internet Banking only, and please use your LJ nick for transfers.
Please make your fund transfers to: POSB Savings 194-13214-0.

NO ATM transfers cos I don't want my items to go OOS. Strictly no exceptions.

5. How you will distribute items
- Via normal/registered mail

6. Exchange rate
USD$1 = SGD$1.44

7. Shipping details
Via direct international shipping at a flat rate of USD$35.

Shipping units will be counted based on price PER ITEM: 
Earrings, Necklaces, Cosmetics: 0.5 units
Belts, Sunglasses: 1 unit
Tops, Shorts, Mini Skirts: 1.5 units
Dresses and Shoes: 2 units
Outerwear: 2.5 units
Boots: 3 units

8. Format of order
Please pay before you post, and include both your order and payment details in 1 post
- Please check that your item is IN STOCK
- If you're ordering the "Deal of the Week", please try to state an alt item
- Please round UP to the nearest cent if its $0.005 and above
- No reservation of slots, first-paid-first-ordered!

Name/LJ Nick:
Bank Account:

Item #1
Item Name:
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Provide URL, color, size)

Item #2
Item Name:
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Provide URL, color, size)

Total Number of Items: Refer to point #7 above
Total Price of Items in USD:
Total in SGD: = (Total Price of Items in USD * 1.44) + (Total Number of Items * $3) = SGD$

Transaction Details -
From Account:
To Account:
Transaction Reference:

9. Spree Updates via emails when items are ordered, shipped and arrived.

10. Useful Link
International shoe size conversion chart: 
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