Miss Brill is like a fish.... which obviously means that she is a drug dealer.

Sep 12, 2006 18:18

Okay, so school may be starting to get to me. All day I felt a bit almost sick, but towads the middle of stats I started feeling jittery. By the end, my hands were quivering and my arm kept twitching. Needless to say, I was a wee bit wierded out.

Mrs. Henry kinda wigs me out. She stares intently after you speak and just keeps staring as if something profound is supposed to follow every statement. I don’t have that much to say. I want to make my point, get my points, and be done, especially when I’m feeling like a caffeinated crack baby that needs a good nap. I guess I actually like Miss Brill a bit more after having discussed it so thoroughly.

There was a cat corpse in a food-saver bag in anatomy. Apparently they just chill out in some room until they’re needed. Mrs. Blackwell (aka Granny B) told us that she once killed her own pet rabbit with chloroform for a lab grade. (She also killed a free range turtle and scraped up many a road kill for that assignment.)

Uhm, Academic Challenge is my most favorite thing in the whole world ever to exist. It’s like Certamen, except that I actually know a good deal of the answers. Right now I’m actually in the running/ in the lead for being team captain. Seriously, I’d be happy just to make the team, because this is the kind of crap that makes me go on crazy shroom trips of sheer glee. Tomorrow is the second day of tryouts, so I want Aubs to come and at least try it for one day. Also, Z and Dr. White are coming tomorrow, so the game should be interesting. (Megan, I think you would really enjoy it as well, but I could be way off base... But if you want to go tomorrow, I’ll be more than happy to drive you home afterwards.)

The first question of the day was something about tetrahedrons and I got it right because of D&D. The second question’s answer was ‘laconic’. I pretty much rocked out in the first round and felt like an enormous nerd afterwards.

PS: My first team was the most PC thing ever. The team was Laura, and Indian kid named Rish, a black kid named Dishby (I think... or something else very peculiar), and me. Seriously, if I were in a wheelchair, that would have been made for the movie of the year in 1982.
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